Can You Put A Polyurethane Over Chalk Paint?

Can you put polyurethane over chalk paint? That is the question many people ask when trying to decide what type of finish to use for their wood furniture. The answer isn’t as simple as it seems, and many factors are involved in making this decision.

You can use polyurethane over chalk paint as long as the polyurethane product is compatible with water-based finishes like chalk because it isn’t recommended to use oil-based products with this type of paint. Water based polyurethanes are better for projects that require durability. Still, you will need to take care when choosing the right product because some finishes may cause issues if they aren’t compatible or have resin ingredients in common.

Each finish has its own benefits and drawbacks, which means there isn’t an ideal answer if you have specific requirements for your project. You will want to consider the type of surface you are working with, whether or not it requires a high degree of durability, and if you need a glossy appearance when making this decision.

What Is Polyurethane?

Polyurethane is a synthetic polymer resin that can be used as an additive in paint, varnishes, and lacquers to create durable surfaces. Most people think of polyurethane when considering using it on wood furniture because this type of product has been popular for so long.

When you apply the finish to your project, you will want to use a brush or a sprayer. You can also apply it with a pad after the first coat has dried, but this is only done for aesthetic purposes and isn’t recommended as part of your final finish by most manufacturers.

Rust-Oleum 284470 Varathane Triple Thick Polyurethane, Gloss,Quart
Minwax 409170000 Wipe-On Poly, Pint, Satin (Water Based), 16 Fl Oz
Varathane 200241H Water-Based Ultimate Polyurethane, Quart, Satin Finish
Minwax Fast Drying Polyurethane Protective Wood Finish, Warm Satin, 1 Quart
Minwax 356100000 One Coat Polyurethane, Quart, Gloss
Rust-Oleum 284470 Varathane Triple Thick Polyurethane, Gloss,Quart
Minwax 409170000 Wipe-On Poly, Pint, Satin (Water Based), 16 Fl Oz
Varathane 200241H Water-Based Ultimate Polyurethane, Quart, Satin Finish
Minwax Fast Drying Polyurethane Protective Wood Finish, Warm Satin, 1 Quart
Minwax 356100000 One Coat Polyurethane, Quart, Gloss
Rust-Oleum 284470 Varathane Triple Thick Polyurethane, Gloss,Quart
Rust-Oleum 284470 Varathane Triple Thick Polyurethane, Gloss,Quart
Minwax 409170000 Wipe-On Poly, Pint, Satin (Water Based), 16 Fl Oz
Minwax 409170000 Wipe-On Poly, Pint, Satin (Water Based), 16 Fl Oz
Varathane 200241H Water-Based Ultimate Polyurethane, Quart, Satin Finish
Varathane 200241H Water-Based Ultimate Polyurethane, Quart, Satin Finish
Minwax Fast Drying Polyurethane Protective Wood Finish, Warm Satin, 1 Quart
Minwax Fast Drying Polyurethane Protective Wood Finish, Warm Satin, 1 Quart
Minwax 356100000 One Coat Polyurethane, Quart, Gloss
Minwax 356100000 One Coat Polyurethane, Quart, Gloss

When Can You Put Polyurethane Over Chalk Paint?

There are a few situations when you can put polyurethane over chalk paint. The most common is when you want to protect a painted piece’s finish from moisture or wear and tear. In this case, you should use a water-based polyurethane for best results, as it will dry quickly and provide an even protective layer. You can also put polyurethane over chalk paint to give it a glossy finish, although you should use an oil-based polyurethane for this purpose.

If you want to seal a chalk-painted surface with polyurethane, it is best to wait at least 24 hours after the paint has dried before applying the first coat of polyurethane. For maximum adhesion and durability, allow two coats of polyurethane to be applied – waiting 8-12 hours between each coat. Once the final layer has been applied, wait at least 72 hours before using the surface or resuming normal activities.

Different Types of Polyurethane

1. Oil-Based Polyurethane

Oil-based polyurethane is a product that can be purchased at hardware stores and home improvement centers. It provides the best protection from spills, stains, and scratches because it penetrates deep into the pores of your furniture. However, this type of finish emits harmful gases for about six to eight hours after you apply it, which isn’t safe for indoor use.

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2. Water-Based Polyurethane

Water-based polyurethane is a type of product that contains no harmful fumes, and it dries much more quickly than oil-based finishes do. However, this finish also doesn’t protect your furniture from spills or scratches because the protective layer isn’t as thick.

3. Clear Polyurethane/Shellac

Clear polyurethane and shellac are very different finishes that provide the least protection. They aren’t recommended for use on high traffic furniture pieces, or if you expect to spill drinks on them because they don’t prevent stains.

4. Wiping Polyurethane

Wiping polyurethane is an oil-based product that many people use on their furniture. It provides good protection and doesn’t emit harmful fumes. You can also purchase this type of finish in water-resistant formulas, but they aren’t as popular.

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Oil-Based Vs Water-Based Polyurethanes for Chalk Paint

The main difference between oil-based and water-based polyurethane is the ingredients. Oil based products use alkyd resins, while water-based finishes contain acrylic or other types of polymer resin. Both have their benefits, but you will want to know about these differences before deciding which type of finish to use for your project.

Oil-based polyurethane is more matte, and it has a thicker consistency. It will take longer to dry, but this type of finish can be sanded easier if you apply too much or need to level the surface. This makes it ideal for projects requiring durability because you won’t have issues with paint peeling off as time passes.

Water-based polyurethane is a thinner and more flexible finish. It has an eggshell appearance which makes it look shiny, but this type of product isn’t as durable as other varieties. This is because the resin used to make them tends to be weaker than oil based products. This can lead to issues with peeling over time if you don’t use the right type of paint underneath.

Both types of polyurethane are available in gloss, semi-gloss and satin finishes. You can choose one that matches the look you want with your finish. When it comes down to it, oil based or water based polyurethanes both have their pros and cons. You will want to consider the type of furniture you are working with when making this decision.

Can You Put A Polyurethane Over Chalk Paint? [Factors to Consider Before You Do]

There are several factors to consider before deciding if you want to put polyurethane over chalk paint.

  1. How much protection do you need for your project?
  2. Is the furniture piece going to be used in a high traffic area that is likely to get stained or scratched up?
  3. How long will it take you to apply this coat of finish?
  4. How much money do you want to spend?

Related Post: How to Remove Chalk Paint From Wood-Tips & Tricks

How To Put Polyurethane Over Chalk Paint In 6 Easy Steps

Furniture that is going to see a lot of wear and tear, or that will be placed in a high traffic area, will need a more durable finish. Applying polyurethane over chalk paint is one way to add an extra layer of protection. Here are six easy steps on how to put polyurethane over chalk paint:

Step One: Fully clean the surface of your furniture piece with a mild soap and water solution. Allow it to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step Two: Use a fine-grit sandpaper to lightly sand down the surface of the chalk paint. This will help create a smooth surface for the polyurethane to adhere to the furniture.

Step Three: Apply a thin, even coat of polyurethane to the furniture using a bristle brush. Make sure to work in small sections and brush in the direction of the grain.

Step Four: Allow the first coat of polyurethane to dry for at least four hours before applying a second coat.

Step Five: Once the second coat of polyurethane is dry, use a fine-grit sandpaper to lightly sand down the surface. This will help create a smooth, even finish.

Step Six: Apply a third and final coat of polyurethane to the furniture. Allow it to dry for at least 24 hours before use.

Now that you know how to put polyurethane over chalk paint, you can protect your furniture and keep it looking like new for years to come! Just follow these simple steps and enjoy your beautiful, durable finish.

Alternative Coat Options For Chalk Painted Surfaces

Apart from polyurethane, furniture Wax is another option you can use to protect chalk-painted surfaces. It comes in clear and tinted varieties and can be applied with a soft cloth or brush. Furniture wax gives chalk paint a beautiful patina over time and doesn’t darken the paint color like polyurethane.

Another option is polycrylic. For furniture that will be used in a high-traffic area or is likely to get scratched, dinged, or nicked, polycrylic is a good option to consider.

It’s available in clear and tinted varieties and can be applied with a brush or roller. Polycrylic dries quickly, and it won’t yellow over time.

FAQs on Can You Put A Polyurethane Over Chalk Paint?

Do I Need to Sand or Seal My Piece Before Applying Polyurethane?

You want to ensure you have thoroughly cleaned and sanded your piece before applying the finish. This will ensure that any dirt, grime or residue is gone, so it doesn’t interfere with the material underneath and allow for a smooth product application. Polyurethanes are made from resins, which means they can react negatively if they make contact with a surface with dirt or any other residue.

How Do I Apply Polyurethane Correctly If I Choose Not to Seal First?

If you choose not to sand or clean your piece before applying the finish, ensure it is completely dry. This will prevent any dirt from becoming embedded in the product. Dirt can decrease its durability and cause issues with adhesion if anything sticks to it as it dries. Polyurethanes tend to leave brush marks behind, so you will want to choose a synthetic brush that is suitable for use on water-based materials.

What Type of Surface Should I Apply Polyurethane To?

Polyurethanes are ideal for applying over wood, fiberglass, or other similar surfaces. This is because they have no resin ingredients. Therefore, they won’t adhere to anything that isn’t compatible. This type of product will have a shiny appearance once it is dry, making it more difficult to apply over porous surfaces. However, you may be able to use this finish on metal if the material has been cleaned thoroughly before applying and there are no dirt particles left behind.

Can I Put Polyurethane Over Chalk Paint By Laying It Thin?

If your project is made from wood, you can use wiping polyurethanes, but they aren’t recommended for other surfaces. For example, metal or glass these products tend to leave a lot of residue behind. This type is also known as one-step polyurethane, which doesn’t require additional sanding or other steps before applying the final coat.

Wiping polyurethanes are the least durable finish, but they have advantages. If you want something easy and fast that will look nice, go for wiping polyurethanes. You will want to be careful when using this type of product, though – it is easy for the material to leave brush strokes or other marks that can detract from your final look.

How Do I Put Polyurethane Over Chalk Paint?

You want to clean the surface, sand it or use an adhesion promoter if necessary. You will also need a water-based polyurethane that is compatible with chalk paint. This is so you don’t have any issues after putting this product over your project.

When Can You Put Polyurethane Over Chalk Paint?

You can put polyurethane over chalk paint once it has cured for at least 28 days. This will give the paint time to harden and ensures that the finish will adhere properly. You also want to make sure that you have sanded the surface before applying the polyurethane. This removes any brush strokes or other imperfections that may show through the finish.

How many coats of polyurethane should you use?

The number of coats will depend on the project you are working on and the type of paint you use. If you want a high-gloss finish, then you will need to apply at least three coats. For a satin or semi-gloss finish, two coats should be sufficient. And for a matte finish, one coat is usually all that is needed. You will also want to sand between each coat to ensure a smooth and even finish.

Can You Use Oil-Based Polyurethane on Water-Based Paint?

This will not work. Ensure the product is compatible with your type of finish before applying it. This helps to ensure that there are no negative reactions when they meet. In addition, choose a synthetic brush if possible, so you don’t leave any marks behind.

Can You Put Polyurethane Over Chalk Paint Wax?

Yes, you can put polyurethane over chalk paint wax. However, it would help if you made sure that the wax is completely dry before applying the polyurethane. This will help to prevent any dirt from becoming embedded in the product. In addition, choose a synthetic brush, if possible, so you don’t leave any marks behind.


You can use polyurethane over chalk paint if the product is compatible with water-based finishes. It isn’t recommended to use oil-based products with this type of paint. Water-based polyurethanes are better for projects that require durability, but you must take care when choosing the right product. This is because some finishes may cause issues if they aren’t compatible or have resin ingredients in common. Happy Painting.