How to Fix a Sagging Couch with Plywood

A sagging couch is not only unattractive but it can also be uncomfortable and even dangerous. A sagging couch can cause back pain, neck pain, and even spinal misalignment. If you’re dealing with a sagging couch, you’re likely looking for a solution. One of the simplest and most effective ways to fix a sagging couch is by using plywood. In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at how to fix a sagging couch with plywood and what you need to know to do it right.

Measure the mattress and cut the plywood to be about an inch and a half smaller all around. Put the plywood in place and secure it with screws or nails if desired.

When you do decide to use plywood to fix your sagging couch, the first step is to measure the area where the couch is sagging. Cut a piece of plywood that is slightly larger than this area. Next, place the plywood under the cushions and secure it in place with clamps or weights.

What Is A Sagging Couch?

A sagging couch is a couch that has lost its shape and support over time. It sags in the middle or on one side, making it difficult to sit on comfortably. A sagging couch can be caused by a number of factors, including poor construction, wear and tear, and lack of maintenance. It can also be caused by improper use, such as jumping on the couch or leaning too heavily on one side.

The Tools Needed To Fix A Sagging Couch With Plywood

To fix a sagging couch with plywood, you’ll need a few tools and materials. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  • Plywood: Choose a strong and durable plywood that will support the weight of your couch and its occupants.
  • Measuring tape: To measure the size of your couch and the plywood you’ll need to fix it.
  • Cutting tool: To cut the plywood to the right size. A handsaw or a power saw will do the job.
  • Screws: To attach the plywood to the frame of the couch.
  • Screwdriver: To drive the screws into the frame of the couch.
  • Sandpaper: To smooth out rough edges on the plywood.
  • Paint or stain: To match the color of the plywood to the couch.

The Major Causes Of A Sagging Couch

There are several reasons why a couch can start to sag. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Poor construction: If the couch was not built to last, it’s likely to start sagging over time.
  • Wear and tear: Regular use and abuse can take a toll on a couch, causing it to sag.
  • Lack of maintenance: If a couch is not properly cared for, it’s likely to start sagging over time.
  • Improper use: Jumping on the couch, leaning too heavily on one side, and other forms of abuse can cause a couch to start sagging.
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 18 x 24 Inch Craft Wood
Baltic Birch Plywood, 6 mm 1/4 x 24 x 24 Inch
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 24 x 24 Inch
Frylr 12 x 12 Inch Baltic Birch Plywood, 6mm 1/4" Premium
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 24 x 24 Inch
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 18 x 24 Inch Craft Wood, Box of 4 B/BB Grade Baltic Birch Sheets, Perfect for Laser, CNC Cutting and Wood Burning, by Woodpeckers
Baltic Birch Plywood, 6 mm 1/4 x 24 x 24 Inch Craft Wood, Box of 8 B/BB Grade Baltic Birch Sheets, Perfect for Laser, CNC Cutting and Wood Burning, by Woodpeckers
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 24 x 24 Inch Craft Wood, Box of 8 B/BB Grade Baltic Birch Sheets, Perfect for Laser, CNC Cutting and Wood Burning, by Woodpeckers
Baltic Birch Plywood 45 PCS, 12 x 12 Inch Plywood Sheet Board, 6mm 1/4" Premium B/BB Grade Craft Wood, Perfect for Wood Burning, Laser, CNC Cutting and Scroll Saw Nature Veneer Color
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 24 x 24 Inch Craft Wood, Box of 4 B/BB Grade Baltic Birch Sheets, Perfect for Laser, CNC Cutting and Wood Burning, by Woodpeckers
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 18 x 24 Inch Craft Wood
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 18 x 24 Inch Craft Wood, Box of 4 B/BB Grade Baltic Birch Sheets, Perfect for Laser, CNC Cutting and Wood Burning, by Woodpeckers
Baltic Birch Plywood, 6 mm 1/4 x 24 x 24 Inch
Baltic Birch Plywood, 6 mm 1/4 x 24 x 24 Inch Craft Wood, Box of 8 B/BB Grade Baltic Birch Sheets, Perfect for Laser, CNC Cutting and Wood Burning, by Woodpeckers
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 24 x 24 Inch
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 24 x 24 Inch Craft Wood, Box of 8 B/BB Grade Baltic Birch Sheets, Perfect for Laser, CNC Cutting and Wood Burning, by Woodpeckers
Frylr 12 x 12 Inch Baltic Birch Plywood, 6mm 1/4" Premium
Baltic Birch Plywood 45 PCS, 12 x 12 Inch Plywood Sheet Board, 6mm 1/4" Premium B/BB Grade Craft Wood, Perfect for Wood Burning, Laser, CNC Cutting and Scroll Saw Nature Veneer Color
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 24 x 24 Inch
Baltic Birch Plywood, 3 mm 1/8 x 24 x 24 Inch Craft Wood, Box of 4 B/BB Grade Baltic Birch Sheets, Perfect for Laser, CNC Cutting and Wood Burning, by Woodpeckers

How To Fix A Sagging Couch With Plywood in 10 Easy Steps

The following steps will guide you on how to fix your sagging couch using plywood if followed carefully.

Step One: Remove the Fabric Covering

This is an important first step because you will need to be able to access the screws and nails that are currently holding your couch together so that you can remove them without causing damage to it. Use a screwdriver or wrench for this task, depending on how your furniture is put together. Make sure you label the pieces of fabric so that you can put them back together later.

Step Two: Remove The Old Plywood

If your couch is sagging, then there’s a good chance that some or all of the plywood may be broken down and no longer used to help keep things up. Use your saw for this step if needed to cut out any plywood that might be broken or unusable.

Step Three: Measure Your Plywood and Cut It To Size

You will need to measure your couch so that you know what size of plywood you should use, as well as how much wood glue to apply for this step. The right amount varies depending on the type of furniture you are fixing, but you will need enough wood glue to cover the plywood in the next step.

Step Four: Apply Wood Glue To The Plywood and Place It on Top of Your Couch

Make sure that your couch is clean before applying the glue so that it can stick properly with no problems! You should then apply a generous coat of wood glue to the top of your plywood and then place it on top of or inside your couch. You can also use some screws or nails if you prefer, but they will need to be added later after the glue dries completely.

Step Five: Let The Glue Dry Completely

This is one of the most important steps in the process because it will take at least 24 hours for the glue to dry completely. If you try to move your couch before this time has passed, then there might be problems with putting everything back together.

Step Six: Replace The Fabric Covering On Your Couch

Now that all of our layers are in place and securely fixed down thanks to the glue, it’s time to put the fabric covering back on. Use your screwdriver or wrench for this step and make sure everything is lined up properly before tightening down anything too tightly.

Step Seven: Replace The Screws And Nails That You Removed in Step One (if applicable)

Now that you know how well your couch will stay together, you can go ahead and replace any screws or nails that are needed to keep everything in place.

Step Eight: Paint The Edges Of Your Plywood If Desired

Depending on the color of your plywood, it might be a good idea to paint over top of them before putting them back into place so that they match better with the color of your couch.

Step Nine: Sit Back and Enjoy Your Fixed Couch

With the weight evenly distributed back onto the plywood, you should no longer have to worry about it sagging any time soon. Just make sure that if you sit on it with friends or family members during movie night, then everyone is sitting fairly and equally so that you don’t cause too much weight to fall onto one side.

Step Ten: Purchase New Plywood And Repeat The Process If Necessary

This is an important step that shouldn’t be skipped, because you might find yourself in this same situation again and will need the new plywood sooner rather than later.

Just make sure that when purchasing new plywood, you are using the same type of wood glue to make sure it will stick properly.

Importance Of Fixing A Sagging Couch With Plywood

Fixing a sagging couch with plywood will:

  • Prevent sagging
  • Keep the couch sturdy and even
  • Save money from buying a new couch or repairing it more than once
  • Keep furniture intact and free of defects
  • Keep family and friends safe by sitting evenly on furniture
  • Keep furniture in good condition for longer
  • Extended lifespan
  • Enhanced appearance
  • Improved comfort

Consequences Of Not Fixing A Sagging Couch With Plywood:

Here are some of the consequences you are likely to face if you do not fix that sagging couch with plywood.

  • Furniture might break down and be unusable
  • The sagging couch could lead to back problems
  • Uncomfortable seating arrangement with broken furniture pieces
  • Expensive fix for a new couch or reupholstering repairs repeatedly over time
  • Injuries from the weight of family members on one side of the couch
  • Can be difficult to sit comfortably on a sagging couch for guests or family members
  • Sagging furniture can cause people to fall over if not properly balanced

How To Maintain A Sagging Couch:

If you’re afraid that your couch might be sagging soon, then there are a few things you can do to prevent it from getting any worse.

  1. Replace the plywood inside of your couch with new stronger pieces as needed
  2. Get down on the floor and check for cracks or broken wood in between cushions
  3. If possible, try to fix any problems with your couch as soon as possible
  4. Keep the weight of family members and guests balanced so that there is less pressure on one side than another
  5. Start using a footstool when seated for long periods to distribute your weight more evenly over top of the cushions
  6. If you have fabric covering your couch, then make sure to check for tears or rips regularly
  7. Make small adjustments with your body weight when sitting on the couch to balance it out better over plywood support

Pros And Cons Of Fixing A Sagging Couch With Plywood:

There are several benefits and drawbacks that you will need to consider if you decide to fix your sagging couch with plywood.


  • More solid furniture pieces
  • Even weight distribution over the entire surface area for more comfortability during seating arrangements
  • Fewer problems with broken furniture over time
  • Furniture is easier to maintain and keep in good condition for longer periods

The plywood may prevent sagging from occurring at all if there are no cracks, breaks, or damage present on the wood itself


  • May be difficult to find new pieces of plywood that are the same size as your couch.
  • May be expensive to purchase new pieces of wood, especially if you have a large piece of furniture or many cushions on it.
  • The process may take some time, but will likely save time in the long run by preventing smaller problems with sagging from occurring more often.


How do I know if my couch is sagging?

If your couch feels uncomfortable to sit on or if there is a noticeable dip in the middle or on one side, it’s likely sagging.

Can I fix a sagging couch with just plywood?

Yes, in many cases, fixing a sagging couch with just plywood can be an effective solution. However, it’s important to assess the cause of the sagging to ensure that plywood is the best solution for your specific situation.

How long will the fix with plywood last?

The longevity of the fix will depend on several factors, including the quality of the plywood and the cause of the sagging. However, in many cases, a sagging couch fix with plywood can last several years.

Is it easy to fix a sagging couch with plywood?

Yes, fixing a sagging couch with plywood is a relatively simple process that can be done by most people with basic DIY skills.

What is the best way to fix a sagging couch with plywood?

The best way to fix a sagging couch with plywood is to purchase new plywood and follow the process again if necessary.

What are some of the consequences of not fixing a sagging couch with plywood?

If you do not fix a sagging couch with plywood, you may face furniture breaking down, back problems, expensive repairs, and more.

How can I prevent my couch from getting any worse?

You can prevent your couch from getting any worse by replacing the plywood inside of it as needed and checking for cracks or breaks regularly. You should also keep the weight balanced on your couch so that one side is not bearing more pressure than the other.


Fixing a sagging couch with plywood is a simple and affordable solution that can improve comfort, extend its lifespan, and enhance its appearance. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to restore your couch to its former glory. Whether you’re looking to save money on a replacement couch or simply want to improve the comfort of your living space, fixing a sagging couch with plywood is a great option to consider.

Related: How to fix a sagging couch