How To Install Plywood Subfloor Over Joists

Plywood subflooring is a great way to cover up your existing floor joists, but it can be difficult if you are installing plywood over joists. In this article, we will go over how to install plywood subfloor over joists.

you’ll need to first make sure the surface is flat and level. If there are any bumps or unevenness, you’ll need to sand it down before installing the plywood. You can use either nails or staples to secure the plywood in place, but we recommend using both for extra security. Nails should be driven every few inches on all sides of the plywood, and staples should be used along the edges. 

What Is A Subfloor?

A subfloor is a thin floor that sits on top of the joists. It can be made from plywood or OSB, and you can find it at any home improvement store. The benefit to using a subfloor over just laying new hardwood floors right onto your current flooring is that with a subfloor in place you can install new flooring and it will be smooth and even.

Why Use Plywood Subfloor Over Joists?

There are many reasons that you may want to use plywood subflooring over joists.

1. If the joists on the floor are not level.

If your existing joists are crooked or uneven, a plywood subfloor gives you a chance to make them even before installing new flooring on top of it.

2. When the existing floor is in bad shape.

When your current hardwood floors are old and need to be replaced, installing a plywood subfloor first gives you a chance to install new hardwood floors right on top of it. This makes the installation process much easier and will save time in the long run.

3. In case you want to install new flooring.

A plywood subfloor is a great way to get your home ready for installing new hardwood or laminate floors. It will level out your home, and give you a smooth surface to work with.

4. Floor Squeaks when walked on by People.

If your current hardwood or laminate flooring is squeaking when walked on, adding a plywood subfloor underneath it will eliminate the problem.

What Is The Best Type Of Plywood Subfloor?

When installing a plywood subfloor, you want to make sure that the wood is

1. Water resistant.

It should be able to hold up well in humid conditions like bathrooms or kitchens.

2. It also needs to have high strength.

You want to make sure that the plywood subfloor will be able to hold up well under daily use.

However, it is also important for you not to choose plywood with too high of a strength rating because this can cause problems when installing your new flooring on top of it. Make sure that the thickness and type of plywood that you use are strong enough to hold up well, but not too thick or hard on a surface.

3. It should be easy to install.

The plywood subfloor that you choose should be very easy for your home improvement store or handyman to work with when installing it in your house.

What type of plywood is best for the subfloor?

You can use any type of plywood for this project. If you are looking to save money, buying high-quality exterior-grade plywood is the way to go. They will be able to hold up well under daily wear and tear in your home, while still being affordable enough that they won’t put too much strain on your wallet.

What Do I Need To Install A Plywood Subfloor?

Some tools you’ll need are:

1. Hammer for nailing the plywood in place.

2. Nails – for fastening, but make sure they are not longer than needed or they will pierce right through the plywood.

3. Asquare for making sure that the corners are even.

4. Saw-for cutting the plywood to fit your home.

5. Tape measure-for measuring the plywood before bringing it home.

6. A pencil for marking the plywood before cutting it in place.

7. Disc sander for sanding down the edges of plywood after it is in place.

8. Pneumatic nail gun-for nailing the plywood in place.

9. A rubber mallet for tapping in the nails when nailing.

How To Install Plywood Subfloor Over Joists: Step-By-Step Instructions

The process of installing a plywood subfloor over joists is not difficult, but it can be time-consuming. It’s important to have all materials ready before beginning the installation so you don’t lose any work time searching for what you need.

  • Step one: The first step to installing a wood subfloor over joists is to remove the existing flooring. If you don’t know what your current flooring consists of, look for clues such as nails and staple holes in the walls and ceiling.
  • Step two: After removing all old wood or carpet from the room, inspect each joist to see how far they are spaced apart from one another. You’ll want to install the plywood subfloor so that it sits on top of each joist.
  • Step three: If you have access from below, cut a hole in the center part of your plywood sheet for any pipes or wires running through the floor. This will allow you to lay down your sheet with ease and avoid cracking or breaking it.
  • Step four: Once the subfloor is cut, lay it over top of your joists and secure each sheet with nails or staples every few inches on all sides. Make sure to use enough nails so that the plywood doesn’t shift while you’re walking across it. If any part begins to rise up, drive another nail through until it’s flat.
  • Step five: Once you’ve nailed the plywood down, inspect it for any gaps or spaces where one sheet meets another and fill in these holes with either wood filler or a wooden shim cut to size. You will likely need at least four of them per joist space between sheets to ensure that your subfloor is as solid as it can be.
  • Step six: Once the holes are filled, sand the entire floor down to achieve a smooth surface before installing any new laminate or carpeting over top of your plywood subfloor. This is an important step because if you don’t take the time to sand everything properly, you’ll likely get minor cracks in your new flooring.
  • Step seven: Once the sanding is complete, you can install your new laminate or carpet and enjoy a brand-new-looking room.

6 Benefits of Installing Plywood Subfloors Over Joist

There are many benefits to installing plywood subfloors over a joist:

1. It is much cheaper than buying a new floor.

2. You can do it yourself with the right tools and instructions.

3. Plywood is easy to work with and install.

4. It is durable and will last for many years.

5. Plywood is an excellent insulator against both heat and cold.

6. It will give your home a neater appearance.

Pros and Cons of Installing Plywood Subfloors Over Joist


  • It is much cheaper than buying a new floor
  • You can do it yourself with the right tools and instructions
  • Plywood is easy to work with and install
  • It is durable and will last for many years
  • Plywood is an excellent insulator against both heat and cold
  • It will give your home a neater appearance


  • When not installed properly, plywood subfloors can squeak when walked on.
  • Plywood is susceptible to moisture damage if it is not sealed or finished properly.
  • In case the room is not well ventilated, the plywood can warp or buckle due to high humidity levels.
  • Plywood subfloors can be scratched or damaged easily if they are not protected.

Expert tips on how to install plywood subfloors over a joist

Plywood subfloors are a great way to add extra stability to your floors. They’re also relatively easy to install, so you can do it yourself if you’re feeling handy. Just make sure to take your time and measure everything correctly before cutting or nailing anything in place.


Q: Can I install a plywood subfloor over my existing flooring?

A: Yes, you can install a plywood subfloor over your existing flooring as long as the surface is flat and level. If there are any bumps or unevenness, you’ll need to sand it down before installing the plywood.

Q: Do I need to use nails or staples to secure the plywood?

A: You can use either nails or staples, but we recommend using both for extra security. Nails should be driven every few inches on all sides of the plywood, and staples should be used along the edges.

Q: Can I install a plywood subfloor over a concrete floor?

A: Yes, you can install a plywood subfloor over a concrete floor as long as the surface is level. If there are any cracks or unevenness, you’ll need to fill them in before installing the plywood.

Q: How do I know if my joists are spaced correctly for a plywood subfloor?

A: The plywood should sit on top of each joist, so you’ll want to make sure the sheets are cut to size accordingly. If you’re unsure, measure the distance between each joist and use that as a guide when cutting the plywood.

Q: Can I install a plywood subfloor over an existing plywood subfloor?

A: Yes, you can install a new plywood subfloor over an existing one as long as the surface is level. If there are any bumps or unevenness, you’ll need to sand it down before installing the new plywood.

Q: Do I need to fill in gaps between sheets of plywood?

A: Yes, you’ll want to fill in any gaps between sheets of plywood with either wood filler or a wooden shim cut to size. This will help prevent cracking and ensure a solid surface.

Q: How do I know if my floor is level before installing the plywood?

A: The best way to check if your floor is level is to use a laser level. This will help you identify any areas that are higher or lower than others and make sure the surface is flat.


Plywood subfloors are a great way to add extra stability to your floors. They are also relatively easy to install, so you can do it yourself if you’re feeling handy. Just make sure to take your time and measure everything correctly before cutting or nailing anything in place. Good luck.






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