How to Make Oil Paint Dry Faster in Easy Steps

If you’re an artist, you know the importance of having your painting dry as quickly as possible. The last thing you want is for your hard work to be ruined by mold or other moisture damage. Also, if you have ever tried to make a painting and your oil paint just wouldn’t dry can be extremely frustrating, especially if you are in a hurry. We will discuss some easy steps that you can take to make your oil paint dry faster!

The best way to make oil paint dry faster is to use a mix of turpentine and paint thinner. This mixture, when applied to the canvas, will cause the oil paint to become much more volatile and dry faster. It is important to note that this method should only be used for thick layers of paint because it can cause the colors to blend together and create an undesired effect.

Paint thinner and turpentine can be found in most art supply stores. Make sure to use only the best quality products, as cheaply made ones may contain harsh chemicals that can damage your painting.

Factors Affecting Paint Drying Time

how to make oil paint dry faster

1. Environment

Paint will naturally dry faster in a hotter and drier climate, so if you are painting indoors, try running a fan or opening some windows to get better air circulation. If you are painting outdoors, ensure that there is no direct sunlight on the painting. Direct sunlight can cause the colors to fade and make the painting look dull.

2. Thickness of Paint

The thicker the layer of paint, the longer it will take for it to dry. To reduce drying time, try applying several thin layers of paint instead of one thick layer. This will help speed up the process significantly.

3. Type of Paint

Not all paints are created equal, and some may take longer to dry than others. Water-based acrylics will usually dry the fastest, while oil paints tend to take the longest.

4. Brushing Techniques

The way you apply your paint can also affect drying time. If possible, try to avoid over-brushing, as this can make the paint take longer to dry. Additionally, using a fan or hairdryer to blow on the painting while you are working on it can help speed up the drying process.

5. Oil Paint

The type of oil paint that you use can have a huge impact on drying times. Oil paints with higher levels of linseed, safflower, and walnut oils will take longer to dry than those with lower amounts. Additionally, colors like yellow and orange tend to take longer than darker colors to dry due to their higher levels of linseed oil.

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How To Make Oil Paint Dry Faster in Easy Steps

how to make oil paint dry faster on canvas

1. Use A Mix of Turpentine and Paint Thinner:This mixture, when applied to the canvas, will cause the oil paint to become much more volatile and dry faster. Make sure to use only the best quality products, as cheaply made ones may contain harsh chemicals that can damage your painting.

2. Increase Air Circulation: Hotter and drier climates will help the paint dry faster. If you are painting indoors, try running a fan or opening some windows to get better air circulation.

3. Use Thin Layers: Applying several thin layers of paint instead of one thick layer will significantly reduce the drying time.

4. Choose the Right Type of Paint: Water-based acrylics will usually dry the fastest, while oil paints tend to take the longest.

5. Avoid Over-Brushing: Over-brushing can make the paint take longer to dry. Additionally, using a fan or hairdryer to blow on the painting while you are working on it can help speed up the drying process.

6. Select Oil Paints with Low Levels of Linseed, Safflower, And Walnut Oils:Oil paints with higher levels of these oils will take longer to dry than those with lower amounts. Additionally, colors like yellow and orange tend to take longer than darker colors to dry due to their high levels of linseed oil.

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How To Speed Up the Drying Time of Oil Paints

If you need the paint to dry faster, there are several additional measures that you can take.

1. Try Using an Alkyd Resin Medium or Add A Few Drops of Liquid Wax Emulsion to The Paint

Both of these will speed up the drying process and make it easier for your painting to be complete in a timely manner.

2.Use A Hairdryer or A Fan

Blow on the painting while you are working on it. This will help speed up the drying time even further.

3. Opt For Oil Paints with Low Levels of Linseed, Safflower, And Walnut Oils

These paints will dry much faster than those with higher amounts of these oils. This is because they contain fewer oil molecules and evaporate more quickly.

4. Try Using a Heat Lamp

By placing the painting under a heat lamp for a few minutes, you can significantly reduce the drying time of your painting. Just make sure to keep an eye on it so that it does not become too hot and risk damaging the painting.

By following these simple tips, you can make oil paint dry faster without compromising on quality or sacrificing your painting’s overall appearance. With a little bit of effort, you can have your painting finished in no time at all.

How To Determine If Paint Is Dry

how to make oil based paint dry faster

The best way to determine if paint is dry is to test it. Use your finger or a piece of paper to gently touch the area that you are painting. If there’s no color transfer, then the paint is likely dry. Additionally, oil paints generally take longer than other types of paint to completely dry and should be tested for dryness before you begin another layer.

How To Test Oil Paint for Dryness

1. Wait: Oil paints generally take the longest to dry, so it’s best to wait at least 24 hours before testing the paint for dryness.

2. Touch the Area: Use your finger or a piece of paper to gently touch the area that you are painting. If there is no color transfer, then it is likely that the paint is dry.

3. Look for Shininess: If the area looks glossy and shiny, then it’s probably still wet. Alternatively, if the paint has a dull matte finish, it is likely to be dry.

4. Dampen A Rag: Dampen a rag with mineral spirits to test for dryness. If the paint does not transfer to the rag, then it is likely that it is dry.

By taking these steps, you can determine whether your oil paints are dry or still wet. With proper care and patience, you can ensure that your painting dries correctly and quickly so that it looks perfect when finished.

Common Mistakes People Make When Painting with Oil Paints

1. Not Cleaning the Brushes

It’s important to keep your brushes clean in order to avoid clumps and streaks in your painting. Make sure to rinse them with mineral spirits after each use and allow them to dry before using again.

2. Using Too Much Paint

Don’t be tempted to add too much paint as it will take longer for the painting to dry and could ruin the appearance of your work.

3. Not Allowing Enough Time for The Painting to Dry

Oil paints can take a long time to dry, so allow yourself plenty of time in between layers or you risk damaging your artwork.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your painting process goes smoothly and your painting looks great when finished.

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How To Make Oil Paint Dry Faster After Painting

spray to make oil paint dry faster

1. Increase Air Circulation

When you’re done painting, open the windows or turn on a fan to increase air circulation in the room. This will help oil paint dry faster and reduce the possibility of smudging your painting.

2. Use Fans

Pointing a fan directly at your painting can significantly speed up the drying process. Just make sure to keep it at a low setting, so that it does not blow your painting away!

3. Use a Hairdryer

Using a hairdryer on the lowest setting can also help oil paint dry faster. Keep pointing the dryer at the painting until you are confident that all the layers are dry.

How To Use Chemical Drying Agents: How to Make Oil Paint Dry Faster

If you are in a rush and need your painting to dry quickly, you may want to consider using a chemical drying agent. Chemical drying agents are materials that absorb the oil from the paint and speed up the drying process. Examples of these include talcum powder, cornstarch, or sawdust.

Just sprinkle some of the chosen material over the wet paint and wait for it to absorb the oil before brushing off any excess. Keep in mind that using chemical drying agents will slightly change the texture of your painting, so make sure to test it out on a small area first.

How To Use Solvents To Make Oil Paint Dry Faster

Solvents are materials that can be used to thin oil paint. Examples of solvents include mineral spirits, turpentine, and linseed oil are all effective in making paint dry faster.

1. Apply the Solvent: Mix the solvent with an equal amount of mineral spirits and pour it onto a cloth or brush. Gently apply the liquid to the painting, being careful not to over-saturate the surface.

2. Let Sit: Allow the solvent to sit on the painting for five minutes before wiping off any excess with a dry cloth.

3. Test the Paint: Once the solvent has been applied and wiped off, test the paint to make sure it is dry.

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Reasons Why Paint Must Dry Properly

1. To Avoid Discoloration or Fading: If the paint is not allowed to dry properly, it can cause the colors to fade or become discolored over time. This will ruin your painting and make it look unprofessional.

2. To Preserve Its Texture: When oil paints are not given enough time to dry, the texture of your painting can be affected. This will make it difficult to create a smooth finish and can cause your painting to look sloppy.

3. To Protect from Smudging: If you try and lay down another layer of paint on top of wet paint, it will smudge and ruin all your hard work.


Is It More Beneficial to Use Natural Oils or Chemical Additives to Make Oil Paints Dry Faster?

It depends on your needs and preferences. Natural oils, such as linseed oil, will work to make your painting dry faster but the process can be lengthy. Chemical additives are a great option if you’re in a rush or need an immediate result. Just remember to test them out on a small area first to see how they affect the texture of your painting.

Can You Use a Heat Gun to Make Oil Paint Dry Faster?

Yes, you can use a heat gun to speed up the drying process of oil paints. However, it is important to use caution and keep the heat setting low as too much heat can cause the paint to bubble or blister. It is best to use a heat gun sparingly and in combination with other techniques, such as fans or chemical drying agents.

What’s The Quickest Way to Dry My Oil Painting in A Cold Climate?

The quickest and most effective way to dry your oil painting in a cold climate is to use a combination of techniques. Heat guns, fans, chemical drying agents, and increased air circulation are all great ways to make the process go faster in colder temperatures.

Are Chemical Drying Agents Safe for Humans and Animals?

Chemical drying agents are generally safe for humans and animals, but should be used with caution. Make sure to test them on a small area first and wear protective gear when applying them to your painting. Additionally, it is important to keep these materials out of reach of children or pets to avoid any potential risks.


Making oil paint dry faster is possible if you know the right techniques! Increasing air circulation, using fans, hairdryers, and chemical drying agents are all effective methods to reduce the amount of time your painting takes to dry.

However, it is important to be cautious with these techniques and keep their use minimal in order to preserve the texture of your painting and prevent any discoloration or fading. If you follow the steps above, you’ll have a beautiful masterpiece in no time! 

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