How to Use Epoxy Wood Filler [Guide to Get It Right the First Time]

Small cracks, holes, and chips in wood surfaces can be difficult to deal with when it comes to restoring their original look. Fortunately, the epoxy wood filler can help you get the job done quickly and easily. It offers a strong bond that is resistant to water, making it ideal for use in interior or exterior applications. Here is a guide on how to use the filler so you can get it right the first time.

Using this wood filler is a simple and straightforward process that requires careful attention to detail in order to get it done correctly the first time. Before you begin, make sure you have all of the necessary tools and supplies, including epoxy wood filler and liquid epoxy wood consolidant. Once you have everything you need, start by prepping the surface and applying the liquid epoxy consolidant before moving on to mixing the wood filler. Apply the paste and use a putty knife to smooth it out before allowing it to cure for 24 hours. Finally, sand off any excess material and finish the job with a sealant or paint.

What is Epoxy Wood Filler?

With different types of fillers available in the market, it can be difficult to distinguish between them. Epoxy wood filler is a strong, two-part adhesive that creates a water-resistant bond between wood surfaces. It also provides an aesthetically pleasing finish and is easy to sand smooth after application.

The epoxy filler is used in conjunction with  the epoxy consolidant which is an important part of the process. It is a compound used in conjunction with epoxy to create an even surface and to help fill gaps in the wood. This is what makes it a great choice for filling holes and cracks in wood surfaces due to its strong adhesive nature. It is compatible with various substrates such as plywood, particleboard, and hardwoods.

Related: How Strong Is Wood Filler? Answer By A Pro

Types of Epoxy Wood Filler

Not all wood fillers are created equal, as there are different types of epoxy that offer various advantages. The main difference is always the composition of the material, as each type of epoxy has its own unique properties.

Colloidal Silica

Colloidal silica is a type of epoxy wood filler composed of tiny particles of silicon dioxide suspended in a liquid. It looks like a fine white powder, and it is typically used for filling small cracks and holes in wood. The silica makes it sag-resistant making it an ideal option for both wood and structural applications.

Polyester Resin

Polyester resin is made from a combination of plastic and glass-like particles. It is a stronger and more durable option than colloidal silica, making it great for applications where strength and water resistance are needed.

However, this epoxy wood filler also has its drawbacks, as it is not as easy to sand and work with. It can also be more expensive than the other types.

Micro balloons

Micro balloons are a type of epoxy wood filler made from tiny glass or ceramic particles. It is lightweight, making it easier to apply and sand. It is also very resistant to water, making it perfect for outdoor applications where water resistance is important. This type can be slightly more expensive than the other two types mentioned above.

Wood Flour

Wood flour is a type of epoxy wood filler made from finely ground sawdust. It provides a strong adhesive bond and is also lightweight, making it easy to work with. The main advantage of this type of filler is that it is very affordable.

Clear Table Top Epoxy Resin
1 Quart 100% Pure Fumed Silica Powder
Abatron WoodEpox Epoxy Wood Replacement
TotalBoat Polyester Laminating Resin
Epoxy Resin Promise Table Top 2-Part- 1 Gallon High Gloss (0.5 Gal Resin + 0.5 Gal Hardener) Transform Your DIY Projects with Crystal Clear Finish - Ideal for Bar Tables, Tabletops, Countertops & More
1 Quart 100% Pure Fumed Silica Powder, Advanced Thickener for Epoxy, Paints, Varnishes, Professional Fumed Silica for Filling Cracks and Voids, Worked Well for Ceramic Blanket Rigidizer - by TITGGI
Abatron WoodEpox Kit - 2 Gallon - 2-Part Structural Epoxy Adhesive and Wood Hardener - Wood Filler Putty
TotalBoat Polyester Laminating Resin - Marine Grade Fiberglass Resin and MEKP Catalyst for Layups and Repairs (Gallon)
Clear Table Top Epoxy Resin
Epoxy Resin Promise Table Top 2-Part- 1 Gallon High Gloss (0.5 Gal Resin + 0.5 Gal Hardener) Transform Your DIY Projects with Crystal Clear Finish - Ideal for Bar Tables, Tabletops, Countertops & More
1 Quart 100% Pure Fumed Silica Powder
1 Quart 100% Pure Fumed Silica Powder, Advanced Thickener for Epoxy, Paints, Varnishes, Professional Fumed Silica for Filling Cracks and Voids, Worked Well for Ceramic Blanket Rigidizer - by TITGGI
Abatron WoodEpox Epoxy Wood Replacement
Abatron WoodEpox Kit - 2 Gallon - 2-Part Structural Epoxy Adhesive and Wood Hardener - Wood Filler Putty
TotalBoat Polyester Laminating Resin
TotalBoat Polyester Laminating Resin - Marine Grade Fiberglass Resin and MEKP Catalyst for Layups and Repairs (Gallon)

How To Use Epoxy Wood Filler

It is a simple process and is a relatively straightforward process though you need to get it right the first time since it is difficult to remove or reverse. So you need to be careful and take your time while using it.

Tools Need

Before you get started, here are the tools you will need:

  • Epoxy wood filler and
  • Liquid epoxy wood consolidant
  • Mixing cup and stir stick
  • Sandpaper
  • Putty Knife
  • Drop cloth or workspace protection
  • Water-resistant sealant (optional)
  • Paintbrush

Step-by-Step Guide

Once you have gathered all the necessary tools and supplies, you can begin the application process. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use epoxy wood filler:

Step 1: Prep the Surface

Begin by assessing the extent of damage on the wood and determine the surface in which you will need to use your epoxy filler. You will need to scrap off any paint or loose wood chippings such as rotten wood. The clean the surface, you can use sandpaper to remove any remaining debris and ensure that the surface is smooth.

Step 2: Apply the Liquid Epoxy Consolidant

Mix two parts of the liquid epoxy consolidant together in a cup and stir to ensure that it is thoroughly mixed. Using a clean brush, apply the epoxy to the affected area. Make sure you cover any cracks or knots in the wood with a generous amount of liquid epoxy. Allow the consolidant to cure for 1-2 hours before proceeding with applying the wood filler.

Step 3: Mix the Epoxy Wood Filler

Once the area has been prepared, you can begin by mixing your wood filler. Make sure to carefully follow the instructions on the package as the ratio of resin to hardener is important for a strong bond. You can use a mixing cup and stir stick to mix them together until it forms a consistent paste.

Step 4: Apply the Epoxy Wood Filler

Overfill the cavity with the mixed epoxy wood filler, making sure to fill in any crevices. Once the area is filled with the paste, use a putty knife to smooth and level out the surface. Allow the filler to cure for approximately 24 hours before proceeding with sanding.

Step 5: Sand and Finish

When the epoxy wood filler has cured, use sandpaper to smooth out the surface and remove any excess material. Depending on your preference, you can then apply a water-resistant sealant or paint over the area to finish off the job.

Related: Top 8 Best Wood Filler For Large Holes

When to Use Epoxy Wood Filler

Bonding and Gap Filling

As you’d expect, epoxy wood filler is the ideal choice for bonding two pieces of wood together and filling in gaps between them. It provides a strong and durable bond making it great for repairing minor damage and filling in holes in the wood caused by cracks, wear and tear, or rot. It is a fast and efficient way to fix these problems without having to replace the entire piece of wood.

Fairing and Leveling

Epoxy wood filler is also great for fairing and leveling uneven surfaces. When used in conjunction with a putty knife, it can be used to fill in dips and create a smooth surface on the wood. This will not only make the area look better but also help protect it from water damage and other issues.


Epoxy wood filler can also be used for laminating two pieces of wood together. This is especially useful when dealing with larger pieces and when a strong bond is required. It will create a flexible, waterproof bond that will last for years to come.


Filleting is a technique used to give rounded edges to pieces of wood. This is often used for decorative purposes as well as for creating stronger, more durable joints between two pieces of wood. Epoxy wood filler can be used to create fillets on the sides and corners of your projects, providing an aesthetically pleasing finish.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Epoxy Wood Filler


1. Durable and Long-lasting

Epoxy wood filler is incredibly durable, making it ideal for outdoor projects. It can withstand extreme weather conditions and provide a strong bond and water-resistant finish. Moreover, it can also last up to several years with minimal maintenance.

2. Easy to Use

Compared to traditional wood putty, epoxy wood filler is much easier to use as it only requires a few simple steps and tools. It also cures quickly and you can enjoy the finished product within 24 hours of application.

3. Enhances Appearance

When used correctly,  it can easily fill in cracks and enhance the appearance of your project. It is also available in a variety of colors, allowing you to match the surrounding area for a seamless look.

4. Affordable

This filler is generally more affordable than other materials such as resins and putties. For about $20, you can purchase a small kit that is suitable for various projects around the home or yard. This makes it a great option for those who are on a budget and looking for an effective solution to their damaged wood surfaces.


Some can be Toxic

The epoxy resin used in the wood filler contains hazardous chemicals that can be toxic if inhaled or ingested. Therefore, it is important to take proper safety precautions and wear a respirator mask as well as protective clothing when handling the filler.

Difficult to Remove

Once the epoxy wood filler has cured, it can be quite challenging to remove. This makes it difficult to repair mistakes or areas that have been overfilled. As such, it is important to be very careful when applying the wood filler and make sure that you only use the amount necessary.

Can Shrink

It can shrink while curing, leaving behind a small gap between the surface and the material. To avoid this, you need to make sure that the surface is clean and free of dirt and debris before application.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Epoxy Not Bond To?

Epoxy will not bond to certain materials such as polyethylene, silicone, and fluoropolymer. This is because these surfaces are too smooth and do not allow the epoxy to adhere properly.

How Long Does It Take for Epoxy Wood Filler to Cure?

Typically takes about 24 hours to cure completely. However, this can vary depending on the specific product and temperature conditions.

What is the Type of Wood Filler Best Suited for Outdoor Use?

Epoxy wood filler is best suited for outdoor use as it is durable, waterproof, and long-lasting. It can also be customized to match the surrounding area for a seamless look.

Which Type of Sandpaper is Best for Sanding Epoxy Wood Filler?

When sanding ,the best type of sand will depend on the type of surface you are working on. For a smooth finish, we recommend using fine-grit sandpaper such as 220 or 400 grit. Otherwise, some types of epoxy that are harder to sand such as polyester resin require more coarse-grit sandpaper such as 80 or 100 grit.


Epoxy wood filler is an effective and affordable way to repair or restore damaged wooden surfaces. To get the best epoxy wood fill you need to begin by selecting the right product for your project and following the instructions carefully. Once you have applied the filler, it is important to wait for it to cure before sanding and painting for a longer-lasting result. With proper preparation and care, you can enjoy beautiful results that will last for many years.