Here Are The Most Expensive Woods in The World

Most people often admire wood products for their beauty and elegance. However, there are also those who appreciate wood for its rarity and high price tag. Making them wonder what is the most expensive wood. If you fall into the latter category, then this list of the most expensive woods in the world is definitely for you.

There are several exotic kinds of wood that are prized for their beauty and rarity. African blackwood, also known as Dalbergia melanoxylon, is one of the most expensive woods in the world. It could cost up to $100 per board foot. Others like the Sandalwood, Ebony, Brazillian Rosewood, and Pink Ivory can cost up to $60 or more per board foot. The least expensive of the bunch is the Purpleheart, which costs around $15 per board foot.

Though these woods are the most expensive, they aren’t necessarily the hardest to find. Some of the rarest woods in the world are actually quite cheap, such as Oak and Maple. The most expensive woods are those that are rare and have unique properties that make them suitable for specific uses.

What Makes The Most Expensive Woods in The World?

advantech-vs-plywood most expensive woods

Before we jump into our list, it’s important to understand what factors make wood expensive. There are several key attributes that affect pricing, including:

Supply and Demand

In business, the law of supply and demand is a basic economic principle that drives prices. When there’s high demand for a product but low supply, the price goes up. The same is true for wood. Some woods are more difficult to find than others, making them more expensive.

Location and Transportation

The location of where the wood is sourced also plays a role in its price. If the wood is only found in one part of the world, it will be more expensive to transport it to other areas. This is often the case with exotic woods.

Hardness, Weight, and Density

The hardness, weight, and density of the wood also play a role in its price. Heavier and denser woods are usually more expensive than lighter woods. This is because they’re more difficult to work with and require more time and effort to process.


Since deforestation is a big problem in many parts of the world, there are laws in place to protect certain trees. This can make them more expensive since they’re not as readily available.

Some of the Most Expensive Woods in the World

Here is a list of some of the most expensive woods in the world, in no particular order.

African Blackwood

African Blackwood is a species of tree native to Africa. The wood is very dense and hard, making it ideal for a variety of applications such as woodturning, carving, and musical instrument making.

What makes African Blackwood so expensive is its rarity. The tree is only found in a few remote regions of Africa, making it very difficult to obtain. For a board foot of the African Blackwood, you can expect to pay around $100. African Blackwood is among the most expensive wood in the USA.


Indian Sandalwood as it is popularly known is a species of tree that is native to India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. The tree is prized for its fragrant oil which is used in a variety of applications such as perfumes, cosmetics, and incense.

The wood of the Indian Sandalwood is also very valuable. It has been used for religious purposes for centuries. The wood is also used in furniture, turnings, and carvings. Indian Sandalwood is an endangered species and the export of the wood is heavily regulated.

The high demand and low supply of Indian Sandalwood have made it one of the most expensive woods in the world. For a kilogram of Sandalwood be ready to fork out up to $20 000.

Brazilian Rosewood

Just as the name suggests, the Brazilian Rosewood is a species of tree that is native to South America. The wood is very similar to African Blackwood in terms of density and hardness. However, Brazilian Rosewood is even more difficult to obtain due to the fact that it is now an endangered species.

The Brazilian government has placed a strict export ban on all Brazilian Rosewood, making it nearly impossible to get your hands on. If you are lucky enough to find some Brazilian Rosewood for sale, be prepared to pay a hefty price tag. For just a single board foot of this rare wood, you can expect to pay upwards of $70 to $100 thus it’s one of the most expensive woods for furniture.


Bocote is a species of tree that is native to Mexico and Central America. The wood is prized for its unique figure and coloration. The grain of Bocote is often described as being “wild” or “ erratic”, which gives the wood a very unique and exotic appearance.

Due to its unique looks, Bocote is often used for decorative applications such as inlays and woodturning. The wood is also very strong and durable, making it suitable for a variety of other uses. Bocote is not as rare as the other woods on this list, but it still commands a high price tag. For a board foot of Bocote, you can expect to pay around $30 to $40.


Ebony is a very popular and well-known wood that is prized for its jet-black coloration. The wood is native to tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Ebony has been used for centuries in a variety of applications such as furniture, musical instruments, and turned objects.

The high price of Ebony makes it one of the most expensive woods in the world. For a board foot of Ebony, you can expect to pay around $65 to $75.


Bubinga is a species of tree that is native to Africa. The wood is prized for its unique grain pattern and rich, reddish-brown color. Bubinga is often used for decorative applications such as inlays and woodturning. The wood is also very strong and durable, making it suitable for a variety of other uses.

Bubinga is not as rare as some of the other woods on this list, but it still commands a relatively high price tag. For a board foot of Bubinga, you can expect to pay around $25 to $35 making it one of the most expensive wood types.


The Cocobolo is a species of tree that is Native to Costa Rica and Panama. The tree is usually found in the tropical rainforests of these countries. It is a hardwood that is known for its density and resistance to decay. The wood is also known for its unique colors which can range from reddish brown to orange or even yellow.

The Cocobolo is a very popular wood for use in furniture and musical instruments. It is also used in turned objects and veneers. The wood is quite hard to work with and it is necessary to use sharp tools when working with it. The Cocobolo is also a very popular wood for carving. The Cocobolo is a very expensive wood that can cost up to $30 per board foot.

Lignum Vitae

Lignum Vitae is a species of tree that is native to the Caribbean and parts of Central and South America. The tree is prized for its hard, dense wood which is the heaviest and hardest wood in the world. The wood is also very oily which makes it resistant to rot and decay.

The high density of the wood makes it unsuitable for use in furniture or other applications where weight is a concern. The wood is mostly used for boatbuilding and other industrial applications. Lignum Vitae is also used as a bearings material and in making pool cues.

Due to its rarity and unique properties, Lignum Vitae is one of the most expensive woods in the world. For a board foot of Lignum Vitae, you can expect to pay around $100.

Pink Ivory

Pink Ivory is a very rare and exotic wood that is prized for its unique coloration and grain pattern. The wood is native to southern Africa where it is mostly found in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and South Africa.

The wood is mostly used for decorative purposes such as inlays, jewelry, and turnings. The high price of the wood makes it unsuitable for use in larger projects. For a board foot of Pink Ivory, you can expect to pay around $50 to $60 making it one of the most expensive wood types.


Purpleheart is a species of tree that is native to Central and South America. The wood is prized for its unique color which can range from light purple to deep violet. The wood is also very strong and durable making it suitable for a variety of uses.

Purpleheart is mostly used in furniture and turned objects. It is also used in flooring, decking, and veneers. The wood is quite hard to work with and it is necessary to use sharp tools when working with it. Purpleheart is also a very popular wood for carving.

The high price of Purpleheart makes it one of the most expensive woods in the world. For a board foot of Purpleheart, you can expect to pay around $15 to $20.


There is no wood more associated with Christmas than Holly. The wood is prized for its very white coloration and smooth grain. Holly is also a very strong and durable wood making it suitable for a variety of uses.

Holly is mostly used in turned objects and inlays. It is also used to make veneers and carved objects. The wood is quite hard to work with and it is necessary to use sharp tools when working with it.

The high price of Holly makes it one of the most expensive woods in the world. For a board foot of Holly, you can expect to pay around $30.


The Koa is a species of tree that is native to Hawaii. The tree is prized for its very strong and durable wood. The wood is also very beautiful with a unique grain pattern. The Koa is mostly used in furniture and turned objects. It is also used to make veneers, guitars, and other musical instruments. The wood is quite hard to work with and it is necessary to use sharp tools when working with it.

A footboard of Koa wood costs $60, making it the most expensive wood in the USA as it is mostly found in Hawaii.

most expensive woods

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Mahogany so expensive?

The increased demand for Mahogany has made it one of the most expensive woods in the world. The wood is also very hard to find as it is only found in tropical climates. This means that the wood has to be imported which drives up the price.

What is the Most Expensive Wood in the USA?

As we already mentioned, Koa wood is the most expensive wood in the USA. The wood is a USA native and it is mostly found in Hawaii. It costs about $60 per footboard and it is mostly used in furniture and turned objects.

Where Can I get the Most Expensive Woods In the World?

Now that you know the most expensive woods in the world, you might be wondering where you can get them. The answer is that it depends on the wood. Local sawmills might have some of the woods but they will be very expensive. An alternative place to find these woods is online. There are many websites that sell exotic woods and you can find these woods at a fraction of the price.


There are various types of wood that are quite expensive. Blackwood, Ebony, Sandalwood, and pink ivory among others, are some of the most expensive woods in the world. These woods are mostly used in furniture and turned objects. The high demand and rarity make these woods quite expensive.

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