Can You Lighten Stained Wood? [Different Methods]

Stained wood is a beautiful and natural-looking finishing option for furniture, but it can become dark and heavy over time. If you want to lighten the color of your stained wood, there are many ways that you can do so. In this article, we answer the question, “can you lighten stained wood.” 

There are a few different ways that you can make stained wood lighter. You can use a wood bleaching agent, sand the wood down, or strip the stain off completely. Whichever method you choose, make sure that you test it on a small area first to see how it will react with the wood.

Once you’ve decided on a method, follow the instructions carefully to achieve the best results. With a little bit of work, you can lighten the color of your stained wood and give it a new lease on life.

What Is a Stained Wood?

Stained wood is a finishing option that has become increasingly popular over the past few years. This natural-looking and unique finish can be found on many different pieces of furniture, such as tables, chairs, or cabinets. Staining adds character to your furniture while creating an overall rustic look without any extra effort.

Factors to Consider When Making Stained Wood Lighter

The following factors will determine the best way to lighten your stained wood.

1. Furniture Color

When considering how to lighten your stained wood, the color of the furniture is an important factor. Light-colored pieces will not be able to take as much stain and for it to look good with a very dark piece, you would need to add multiple layers of stain before finishing with polyurethane.

2. Type of Stain Used on The Piece

Not all stains are created equal, so not every method of lightening the color will work on all types. Water-based products can be made lighter by stripping while oil-based products cannot. Gel-type stains have a tendency to rub off when wet which is why it’s important to apply some top coat for protection if you decide to use bleach on the surface.

  • Water-Based: Water-based stains can be stripped off using a water and bleach mix that will easily remove most colors. If you don’t want to strip your piece, try sanding or using bleach on top of gel-type products for lighter color results.
  • Oil-Based: Oil-based stains cannot be removed with traditional stripping methods, but you can lighten them by sanding or bleaching on top of the surface. Gel stains will need to be stripped before using bleach for lighter color results.
  • Gel: If your stain is gel-based, you must strip all layers off before attempting other methods to make stained wood lighter. You can try sanding back the stain for lighter color results.
  • Top Coats: Make sure you use a top coat after trying any of these suggested methods to protect your furniture from damage and help prevent fading or staining.

3. Age of The Piece

The age of your piece will also play a role in how you lighten the stain. Newer pieces can be sanded or stripped without worry, but older pieces should be cautiously approached. If your piece is an antique or a family heirloom, you may want to consult a professional before taking any drastic measures.

How To Make Dark Stained Wood Look Lighter In 3 Methods

How to Get a High Gloss Finish on Wood, How to Make Stained Wood Lighter

Stained wood is often dark or heavy but can easily be lightened. There are several ways to go about this. They include;

1. Sanding

Sanding is another way to lighten stained wood. Sanding will remove the top layer of the stain, which will lighten the color of the wood. You can sand by hand or with a power sander. If you sand by hand, you will need to use finer grit sandpaper to avoid damaging the wood. If you use a power sander, you can use coarse grit sandpaper.

2. Using Bleach on The Surface

Bleaching is the most common way to lighten stained wood. You can use a variety of bleach, including chlorine bleach, oxalic acid bleach, and two-part wood bleach.

Chlorine bleach is the most common type of bleach used to lighten wood. It is also the harshest and can damage the wood if used incorrectly.

Oxalic acid bleach is a milder alternative than chlorine bleach and is less likely to damage the wood. Two-part wood bleaches are the strongest and most effective type of bleach but also the most expensive.

Be sure to wear gloves and safety goggles when using bleach! It is a harsh chemical that can cause damage, especially if you’re not careful. The results should be well worth it, though, because the color change will be significant.

3. Stripping Old Layers of Stain Off

Stripping is the most aggressive way to lighten stained wood. Stripping will remove the stain and the top layer of the wood. This will lighten the color of the wood, but it will also remove any protection the stain provides. You should only strip the wood if it is in very bad condition and you plan to refinish it.

This can be done using a chemical stripper, but it will take more time and effort than the other methods. You’ll want to work slowly and carefully as you apply small amounts at a time with a brush or cloth, then wait for them to dry before rinsing thoroughly until the old stain has been removed.

It’s also important to consider the type of wood you’re working with. Different types will react differently when stained and may be more prone to darkening over time, so keep this in mind. Another thing to consider is how many layers of stain are on your furniture: The more layers there are, the harder it will be to strip off old stains.

How To Make a Wood Stain Lighter By Sanding

Tools Required:

  • Sandpaper (Fine Grain)
  • Drill with Sanding Attachment (Or Handheld Sander)

Step One: Begin by sanding along the grain of your wood. Work slowly and carefully to avoid damaging or scratching the surface.

Step Two: If you’re using a drill with a sanding attachment, switch to a lower speed once you’ve made contact with the surface. This will help to avoid damage.

Step Three: Work your way around the entire piece, sanding until you’ve achieved the desired color change.

Step Four: Once you’re finished, vacuum up any dust and debris, then wipe down the surface with a damp cloth.

Step Five: Allow the piece to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Pros of Sanding

  • The process is relatively simple and doesn’t require any harsh chemicals.
  • You have more control over the results.
  • It’s less likely to damage your furniture.

Cons of Sanding

  • It can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large piece of furniture.
  • You’ll need to be careful not to damage the surface while sanding.
  • The results may not be as drastic as you’d like.

How To Make My Wood Stain Lighter Using Bleach

Tools Required:

  • Bleach (Chlorine-Based)
  • Sponge
  • Gloves
  • Safety Goggles

Step One: Put on your gloves and safety goggles.

Step Two: Mix a small amount of bleach with water in a bowl.

Step Three: Dip your sponge into the mixture, then wring it out so that it’s not too wet.

Step Four: Apply the bleach to the surface of your wood, working in small sections.

Step Five: Allow it to sit for several minutes, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Step Six: Repeat until you’ve achieved the desired color change.

Step Seven: Once finished, allow the piece to dry completely in a well-ventilated area.

Pros of Bleaching

  • The process is relatively simple.
  • You don’t need to use any harsh chemicals.
  • It’s less likely to damage your furniture.

Cons of Bleaching

  • The results may not be as drastic as you’d like.
  • You’ll need to be careful not to damage the surface while bleaching.
  • The process can be time-consuming.

How To Make a Dark-Stained Wood Lighter By Stripping Stain

Tools Required:

  • Chemical Stripper
  • Brush or Cloth
  • Bucket
  • Water

Step One: Begin by mixing your chemical stripper according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step Two: Apply a small amount of stripper to your brush or cloth, then work it into the surface of the wood, being careful not to apply too much at once.

Step Three: Allow the stripper to sit for the amount of time specified on the packaging, then begin scrubbing it off with a brush.

Step Four: Once removed as much as possible, rinse the area thoroughly with clean water.

Step Five: Repeat as necessary until the old stains have been removed.

Step Six: Once finished, allow the piece to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Pros of Stripping

  • The process is relatively simple.
  • You can achieve a drastic color change.
  • It’s less likely to damage your furniture.

Cons of Stripping

  • The process can be time-consuming.
  • You’ll need to use harsh chemicals.
  • You’ll need to be careful not to damage the surface while stripping.

There you have it! Three different ways to lighten your stained wood furniture. Be sure to take the time to test each method on a small, inconspicuous area first to see how it will react with your particular piece before proceeding.

With a little time and effort, you’ll be able to achieve the perfect look for your home.

Tips on How To Make Dark Stained Wood Lighter

Staining Douglas Fir, How to Make Stained Wood Lighter

If you’re looking to achieve a lighter color on your stained wood furniture, there are a few things that you can do to help.

  • First, sanding the surface can help to remove some of the pigment from the stain, allowing more light to pass through. You can also try bleaching the wood with chlorine-based bleach, which will lighten the color.
  • If you want a more drastic change, you can try stripping the old stain from the surface. This will require some additional work, but it will allow you to start with a blank slate and choose any color you want.

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FAQs on How To Make Wood Stain Lighter

How To Make Stain Lighter on Wood

There are a few different ways that you can make stained wood lighter. Sanding the surface, bleaching the wood with chlorine-based bleach, and stripping the old stain are all effective methods.

Is It Possible to Lighten Stained Wood Furniture Without Sanding? 

Yes, it is possible to lighten stained wood furniture without sanding. You can try bleaching the wood with chlorine-based bleach or stripping the old stain from the surface.

What Is the Best Way to Lighten Stained Wood? 

The best way to lighten stained wood will vary depending on the piece of furniture and the desired results.

How Do I Make My Stained Wood Furniture Look New Again?

If you want to make your stained wood furniture look new again, you can try sanding the surface, bleaching the wood with chlorine-based bleach, or stripping the old stain from the surface. Choose the method that best suits your needs and desired results.

With a little time and effort, you can achieve the perfect look for your home. Try one of these methods to lighten your stained wood furniture and create a whole new look for your space.

What Is the Best Way to Remove Old Stain from Wood? 

The best way to remove old stains from wood is to strip them off with a chemical stripper. This will require some additional work, but it will allow you to start with a blank slate and choose any color that you want.

Be sure to test the stripper on a small, inconspicuous area first to see how it will react with your particular piece before proceeding. Allow the stripper to sit for the amount of time specified on the product before removing it.

You may need to repeat the process if the stain is particularly stubborn. Rinse the area thoroughly with clean water when you finish, and allow the piece to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Is It Possible to Change the Color of My Stained Wood Furniture? 

Yes, it is possible to change the color of stained wood furniture. You can achieve a drastic color change by stripping the old stain off with a chemical stripper. This will require additional work, but it will allow you to start with a blank slate and choose any color you want.

Can You Lighten Stained Wood By Bleaching?

Yes, you can use bleach to lighten your stained wood furniture. Be sure to use chlorine-based bleach and test it on a small, inconspicuous area first to see how it will react with your particular piece before proceeding. Allow the bleach to sit for the time specified on the product before removing it.

You may need to repeat the process if the stain is particularly stubborn. Rinse the area thoroughly with clean water when you finish, and allow the piece to dry completely before moving on to the next step.


There are several ways to lighten your stained wood, and each one will depend on the type of stain you have applied. You can sand back or use bleach to achieve lighter results. Stripping off old layers also works well for dark stains that have become too heavy over time. Keep these tips in mind when removing the color of your stained wood to lighten it up.

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