Thermo Ply vs Plywood —The Difference and What You May Need

When it comes to choosing the right material for your project, there are many factors to consider. Thermo ply and plywood are two popular options. But what is thermo ply vs plywood?

Thermo-ply is made from layers of wood that are glued together under high pressure and heat. This creates a strong bond between the layers, making thermo ply a sturdy and durable material. Plywood is also made from layers of wood that are glued together. However, plywood is not as strong and durable as thermo ply.

This article will compare Thermo ply vs plywood. We’ll cover what they are made of, how they’re made, and why it might be important that you choose one over the other depending on your needs.

What is Thermo Ply?

Thermo-ply is a composite material. This means that it’s made from multiple materials, in this case, wood veneer and resin glue. It is often used in construction to insulate walls and ceilings. It is also used in some types of furniture, such as cabinets and tables because of its attractive appearance and durability. Thermo-ply is a good insulator because it is made of wood, which is a natural insulator.

How Thermo ply Is Made

To create thermo ply , thin sheets of wood veneer are stacked and pressed together. Next, resin glue is applied to the top of the stack of sheets before it’s placed in a press again. The heat generated by the pressure causes both layers of veneer and glue to bond into one solid piece that has many different uses.

Types of Thermo Ply

There are several different types of thermo ply. They include;

1. Flush Cut Thermo Ply

This type of Thermo ply is made from a single layer of veneer. Because it’s only one sheet deep, the edges are smooth and there aren’t any grooves or ridges like you’ll find in other types of Thermo ply. It has an appearance similar to regular wood but with increased durability.

2. Decorative Thermo Ply

Decorative Thermo ply is designed to be used as a covering for other products such as cabinets or furniture. It can come in many different colors and styles, depending on the company that manufactures it. This type of Thermo ply doesn’t have any grooves like Flush cut Thermo ply does which makes it a popular choice.

3. Foil-Faced Thermo Ply

Foil-faced Thermo ply is commonly used for covering buildings because of its appearance. It’s made from layers of veneer with aluminum on the top, making it shiny and reflective. This type also has grooves which give it a wood-like appearance rather than looking like metal.

4. Engineered thermo ply

Engineered Thermo ply is a combination of multiple types. It has aluminum foil on the top with veneer in between and resin glue underneath to hold it together. Because there are so many different materials, this type of Thermo ply can be used for just about anything including furniture, buildings, boats, floors, and much more.

Advantages of Thermo ply

There are several advantages to using Thermo ply rather than regular wood. Some of these include;

  • It is an excellent product for use in a variety of applications where thermal and acoustical properties are important.
  • It is also easy to work with and can be cut, drilled, and fastened like conventional plywood.
  • It is an extremely versatile product.
  • It can be used in a variety of applications, including walls, ceilings, and floors.
  • Thermo-ply is also resistant to fire, mold, and insects, making it a great choice for many construction projects.
  • It is lightweight making it easier to work with.

Disadvantages of Thermo ply

Although Thermo ply has many advantages as a building material, there are also disadvantages to consider before you decide if this is the best option for your needs. Some of these include;

  • Thermo-ply is more expensive than regular wood.
  • Many types of Thermo ply are not recyclable, which means that once the product has been used up there’s no way to get it back.
  • The process of creating Thermo ply can be very wasteful and damage the environment.

Where To Buy Thermo Ply

Home Improvement Stores

Thermoply is available for purchase at most home improvement stores. You can also find it online at sites like They have a variety of colors to choose from, so you can find the perfect one to match your home’s exterior. Thermoply is a great way to insulate your home and save money on your energy bills.


Lumberyards are an excellent source for hard-to-find lumber, such as thermoply. They typically have a wide variety of lumber in stock, as well as knowledgeable staff who can help you select the right lumber for your project. Thermoply is a great choice for projects that require as durable, weather-resistant lumber.

Related Article: MDO vs Marine Plywood: What’s the Difference?

What is Plywood?

Plywood is another popular type of wood used for building things. It is an engineered material consisting of three or more layers with a cross-grain pattern. Each layer has a different direction, providing strength to the overall product and allowing it to be thinner than regular wood while still being strong enough to handle most jobs.

How Plywood Is Made


The process for making plywood is pretty simple. The first step in the process involves taking logs and cutting them into thin sheets of wood that are stacked together. This creates several layers just like thermo ply .

Next, a machine cuts veneer from these stacks which gives you three different layers with cross-grain patterns. A glue called phenol-formaldehyde resin is then applied to the veneer and between each layer. Once it has dried, a thicker piece of wood or cardboard that will be used for one side of the plywood is added on top and pressed into place by a machine.

The final step in making plywood involves pressing all three layers together which gives you your final product.

Types of Plywood

There are several types of plywood depending on what you need it for. Some of these include;

Plywood is another popular type of wood used for building things. It is an engineered material consisting of three or more layers with a cross-grain pattern. Each layer has a different direction, providing strength to the overall product and allowing it to be thinner than regular wood while still being strong enough to handle most jobs.

How Do You Make Plywood?

The process of making plywood is pretty simple:

The first step in the process involves taking logs and cutting them into thin sheets of wood that are stacked together. This creates several layers just like thermo ply.

Next, a machine cuts veneer from these stacks which gives you three different layers with cross-grain patterns. A glue called phenol formaldehyde resin is then applied to the veneer and between each layer. Once it has dried, a thicker piece of wood or cardboard that will be used for one side of the plywood is added on top and pressed into place by a machine.

The final step in making plywood involves pressing all three layers together which gives you your final product.

The Different Types of Plywood

There are several types of plywood depending on what you need it for. Some of these include;

Hardwood plywood

This type of plywood is made out of several thin layers (usually three) with a hard oak, maple, or birch veneer on one side and the same type of glue as regular plywood on the other. It’s commonly used for making cabinets, furniture, doors, and more because it gives you smooth surfaces that are easy to work with. Hardwood plywood is not waterproof, so it’s important to use sealants when you’re using this type of wood outside. Hardwood plywood is more expensive than softwood plywood but it’s also more durable.

Softwood plywood

Softwood plywood is made from cedar, fir, pine, and redwood trees. It’s typically used for construction and DIY projects like shelving, storage boxes, and workbenches. Softwood plywood is easy to find and relatively inexpensive.

Marine plywood

Marine plywood is made out of three layers with phenol-formaldehyde resin on both sides which makes it waterproof. It’s often used in boatbuilding and for outdoor projects like decks and sheds. Marine plywood is more expensive than other types of plywood but it’s worth the investment for its water-resistant properties.

Pressure-treated plywood

Pressure-treated plywood has been treated with chemicals to resist rot and decay. It’s often used for outdoor projects like decks, fences, and picnic tables. Pressure-treated plywood is more expensive than untreated plywood but it will last longer outdoors.

OSB and particle board

OSB (oriented strand board) and particle board are both made from bits of wood that are glued together. They’re often used as subfloors or in shelving and cabinets. OSB is stronger than particle board but both are less expensive than Plywood.

Waferboard plywood

The Wafer board is made out of three layers with wafers (thin sheets) of wood on one side and glue on the other. It’s similar to regular plywood but it’s much thinner, which gives you a lightweight product that can be used for many purposes including; flooring, wall sheathing, and roofing.

What Kind of Project Are You Working on?

Indoor projects

When choosing plywood for an indoor project, the main considerations are the type of project and the amount of plywood needed. For most indoor projects, softwood plywood will be the best choice. This type of plywood is less expensive than hardwood plywood and is easier to work with. It is also readily available at most home improvement stores. If you are working on a large project or one that will be subject to a lot of wear and tear, you may want to consider using hardwood plywood instead. This type of plywood is more durable and resistant to damage, but it is also more expensive.

Outdoor projects

For outdoor projects, you will need to choose a type of plywood that is resistant to moisture and rot. Marine plywood is the best choice for most outdoor projects, as it is specifically designed for use in wet environments. Pressure-treated plywood is another option for outdoor projects, but it should only be used if your project will come into direct contact with soil or water. OSB and particle board are not suitable for outdoor use, as they will quickly break down when exposed to moisture.

Furniture projects

The type of plywood you use for furniture projects will depend on the size and complexity of the project. For most furniture projects, softwood plywood will be sufficient. However, if you are making large pieces of furniture or pieces that will be subject to a lot of wear and tear, you may want to consider using hardwood plywood instead. Marine plywood can also be used for furniture projects, but it is not necessary unless the piece will be used outdoors or in a very humid environment.

Flooring projects

For flooring projects, you will need to choose a type of plywood that is strong and durable enough to withstand heavy foot traffic without denting or breaking down over time. Hardwood plywood is the best choice for flooring projects, as it can withstand a lot of wear and tear without showing signs of damage. Marine plyWOOD can also be used for flooring projects, but it is not necessary unless the floor will be subject to a lot of moisture or humidity.

Cabinetry projects

Cabinetry Projects generally require harder woods such as maple, oak, and cherry. Softer woods such as pine can warp over time with regular use. Particle board should never be used in cabinetry as it does not stand up well over time.

How Much Plywood Do You Need?

Measuring Your Project

To determine how much plywood you need for a project, you’ll first need to measure the length and width of the area you’re covering. For example, if you’re building a bookshelf that’s 2 feet wide and 4 feet long, you’ll need four sheets of plywood that are 2 feet wide and 4 feet long.

To make sure you have enough plywood for your project, it’s a good idea to add an extra 10% to your measurements. This will give you some wiggle room in case you make any mistakes while cutting the plywood or if there are any irregularities in the size of the sheets.

Calculating the Amount of Plywood You Need

Once you have your measurements, you can calculate the amount of plywood you need by multiplying the length by the width. In our example, we would need 8 square feet of plywood (2×4).

If your project is more complex than a simple rectangle, you can break it down into smaller sections and calculate the amount of plywood needed for each section. Once you have all of your numbers, add them together to get the total amount of plywood required for your project.

Where to Buy Plywood

Home Improvement Stores

There are many different types of plywood available at most home improvement stores, such as softwood, hardwood, marine, pressure-treated, OSB, and particle board. You should first decide what type of plywood you need for your project before heading to the store.


Lumberyards typically have a wider selection of plywood than home improvement stores since they focus solely on lumber and wood products. They also usually have staff on hand who can answer any questions you might have about choosing the right plywood for your project.

Online Retailers

Many online retailers sell all types of plywood, such as Softwoods Plywoods and Hardwoods Plywoods. You can often find good deals on plywood by shopping around online, but make sure to read the descriptions carefully to ensure that you’re getting the right type of plywood for your needs.

Advantages of Plywood

Plywood has several advantages when it comes to building things. Some of these include;

  • It is widely available.
  • Plywood is a strong material.
  • It is resistant to warping and cracking which makes this type of wood perfect for building boats or use in areas where water may damage the material.
  • It is also relatively inexpensive compared to other types of wood.
  • Plywood is easy to work with and can be cut and shaped to fit a variety of needs.
  • It’s cheaper than other types of wood so it may be the best option for your budget and needs.

Disadvantages of Plywood

  • Susceptibility to water damage, mold, and rot.
  • Plywood is also not as strong as other types of wood, so it is not the best choice for structural applications.
  • Plywood is also not fire resistant, so it is not the best choice for applications where fire safety is a concern.
  • Plywood is also not as durable as other types of wood, so it is not the best choice for applications where durability is a concern.

Related Article: What is Luan Plywood?

Similarities Between Thermo Ply vs Plywood

They Are Used in Construction

Thermo ply and plywood are both used in construction. They are often used as a subfloor or sheathing material. They are also used to make furniture, cabinets, and other wood products.

They Are Made From Wood

Thermo ply and plywood are both made from wood. The main difference is that thermo ply is made from hardwood while plywood is made from softwood. Thermo ply is also made from a higher quality of wood.

They Are Types Of Engineered Wood

Plywood is a type of engineered wood that is made by bonding together thin sheets of wood veneer. Thermo ply, on the other hand, is a type of engineered wood that is made by bonding together thin sheets of wood veneer with a heat-activated adhesive.

They Have Thicknesses

Thermo ply is available in different thicknesses, but it is generally thinner than plywood. This makes it easier to work with and more versatile. It also means that thermo ply is less likely to warp or crack than plywood. Plywood, on the other hand, is available in different thicknesses, but it is generally thicker than thermo ply. This makes it more durable and less likely to warp or crack.

The Difference Between Thermo ply vs Plywood

While both plywood and Thermo ply consist of several layers, there are some key differences between the two. They include;


Thermo ply is engineered with a cross-laminated construction. This gives it superior strength to regular plywood. The extra layers also make it more resistant to warping and twisting. Plywood, on the other hand, is made with an odd number of thin layers. This construction makes it weaker and more prone to warping and breaking.


Plywood is a denser material, meaning it weighs more than Thermo ply. This can be an issue if you’re working on a project that requires lifting and carrying, as plywood can be quite heavy. Thermo ply is lighter than plywood, making it the better choice for projects that require lifting and carrying.


Plywood is a cheaper option than Thermo ply. If you’re working on a project with a tight budget, plywood may be the better choice. However, keep in mind that cheaper doesn’t always mean better. Thermo ply is more expensive than plywood, but it’s also a more durable material.


Plywood has a more natural appearance than Thermo ply. The wood grain is more visible and there is a greater variety of colors available. Thermo-ply has a more uniform appearance. The color is more consistent and the wood grain is less visible.


Plywood is more durable than Thermo ply due to its cross-grain composition. It is less likely to warp, crack or split over time. Thermo ply is thinner and not as strong, so it may not withstand heavy loads or wear and tear as well as plywood.

Water Resistance

Plywood is more water resistant than Thermo ply because it is denser. The extra layers make it more difficult for water to penetrate the material. Thermo ply is less dense, so it is not as water resistant. Thermo ply is a better choice for projects that require lifting and carrying, as it is lighter than plywood. It is also more water-resistant and less likely to warp, crack or split over time.


The density of thermoplastic resins is usually lower than that of water, so Thermo-Ply panels will float if they are not properly fastened. Under some conditions, Thermo-Ply will absorb water and swell. If this happens, the panels should be removed and replaced. Plywood, on the other hand, is much denser than water and will sink if it is not properly fastened.


Thermo-Ply is a more ductile material than plywood. This means that it can be bent or shaped without breaking. Plywood is much stiffer and stronger, making it the better choice for load-bearing applications. Plywood is also less likely to delaminate than Thermo-Ply and is less ductile and more likely to break when bent or shaped. Thermo-Ply is the better choice for projects that require bending or shaping, as it is more ductile and less likely to break. It is also lighter than plywood, making it easier to lift and carry. However, plywood is the cheaper option and is more water-resistant.

When To Use Thermo Ply

Thermo-ply is the best option for people who need a strong and durable product that can support heavy items without breaking apart. This makes it perfect for use when you’re working with wet or humid materials. Wall sheathing is another use that’s popular when it comes to thermo ply because of how strong and lightweight the product is. Construction professionals like using this type of wood because it can withstand heavy use and supports up to 500 pounds.

When To Use Plywood

Plywood is the best option if you need something cheaper than other types of wood. You can also use it when working with lighter items since plywood tends to be thinner and easier to cut down into different sizes depending on what project you’re working on. It’s important to note that most types of plywood are not waterproof, so this type may not be suitable for working with humid materials.



What Is The Difference Between Thermo Ply vs Osb?

The main difference between Thermo ply vs Osb is that Thermo ply is made of two outer layers of oriented strand board with a foam core in between, while Osb is made of three layers of wood chips that are glued and pressed together.

What Is The Difference Between Thermo Ply Red Vs Green?

Thermo ply red is made with a fire-retardant resin, while Thermo plies green does not have this addition. This means that Thermo plies red is more resistant to fire than Thermo ply green.

Where To Buy Thermo Ply Sheathing?

You can find Thermo ply sheathing at most home improvement stores, as well as online retailers.

Thermo Ply vs Osb Cost?

The cost of Thermo ply vs Osb varies depending on the thickness and size of the sheets. However, in general, Thermo ply is more expensive than Osb.

What Is The Difference Between Thermo Ply Vs Tyvek?

Thermo ply is made of two layers of oriented strand board with a foam core in between, while Tyvek is a synthetic material that is often used as a building wrap. Both materials are used for insulation, but Thermo ply is more rigid and has a higher R-value, while Tyvek is more breathable and has a lower R-value.

What Is Thermo Ply Sheathing?

Thermo-ply sheathing is a type of insulation that is made of two layers of oriented strand board with a foam core in between. It is used to insulate homes and businesses and is more rigid than other types of insulation, such as fiberglass or cellulose. It also has a higher R-value, which means it is more effective at preventing heat loss. Thermo-ply sheathing is available in different thicknesses and sizes to meet the needs of different projects.

Is 5 Ply Better Than 3 Ply?

Yes, five-ply is better than three-ply because it is more resistant to water and moisture. Five-ply plywood is made of five layers of wood that are glued together, while three-ply plywood is made of three layers of wood. Five-ply plywood is also stronger and more durable than three-ply plywood.


Thermo-ply is a form of hardwood that’s laminated (glued) together under tremendous pressure and heat. This results in a strong connection among the layers, making thermo ply a robust and long-lasting material. Plywood is produced by gluing wood layers together. However, as compared to thermo ply, it is not as sturdy or durable.

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