What is Sande Plywood? Uses, Properties, Pros and Cons

Sande is a type of wood that is made from tropical hardwoods and imported from Indonesia. The timber industry in Indonesia is the largest in the world, with over 4 million hectares planted with trees.

Sande is a type of plywood that is made by the pulp & paper industry. It was originally designed to make boxes for packaging but has since expanded into other types of wood products as well.

What is Sande Made Of?

The process of creating this type of plywood starts with logs that are cut into lumber. The most common type of wood used to make these is meranti, but there are others too.

Meranti trees grow quickly and the timber has a high resistance to wear & tear. This makes it ideal for construction purposes as well.

After they have been cut down, the meranti logs are boiled in a mixture of chemicals to remove their bark and sap. This process is called tanning.

The wood is then dried out using steam in a kiln before being planed into boards! The boards can be turned into sande plywood or used for other purposes like furniture making.

Physical Appearance of Sande Plywood

Sande plywood has a reddish-brown color with a smooth surface. It is made up of multiple layers of thin wood that are glued together.

The wood grain is usually straight but can sometimes be wavy.

This type of plywood is also available in different thicknesses, depending on the purpose it will be used for.

Properties of Sande Plywood

They have five important properties which you should keep an eye out for when choosing your wood. Including;

1. Fungi Resistance

Fungal growth is a common problem for wood. It can cause all sorts of issues, including discoloration. To prevent this from happening sande plywood has been treated with fungicides to create resistant boards which diseases or molds will not damage.

2. Moisture Resistance

The chemical process used to treat the wood also makes it more resistant to humidity or water damage changes. This is an important feature for any piece of wooden furniture, especially if you live somewhere with high levels of moisture.

3. Bending Strength

The unique properties of the wood make it very strong and durable. This is a great property for any construction project as it means your buildings will remain standing even in difficult weather conditions.

4. Resistance to wear

The wood has been treated with chemicals, making it very resistant to tearing and other forms of wear. This is a great feature for any wooden furniture or building materials as they won’t need replacing nearly as quickly.

5. Resistance to Fire

Some types of wood burn very easily, but sande plywood is not one of them. This means you can use it in a wide range of different building projects without worrying about whether or not the wood will catch fire.

6. Beautiful Finish

The smooth surface of sande plywood makes it ideal for finishing. It can be painted, stained, or varnished to create a beautiful finish.

7. High Strength-to-Weight Ratio

Sande plywood has a high strength-to-weight ratio, which means that it is strong yet lightweight. This makes it ideal for use in a variety of applications.

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Purposes of Sande Plywood

Sande plywood is typically used in marine applications because of its high resistance to water. It is also used in the construction industry for floors, walls, and roofs.

Other uses for Sande plywood include furniture, cabinets, and countertops.

Sande Plywood Specifications: What Sizes and Grades Does It Come In?

In terms of size, Sande plywood panels come in a range of thicknesses, from 18mm to 28mm.

The most common grade for Sande plywood is BB/CC, which means that there are two “good” sides with a smooth surface.

In terms of grade, Sande plywood is classified as either C or D grade.

C-grade panels have a smooth surface on one side and a rough surface on the other.

D-grade panels have smooth surfaces on both sides.

What is the Difference Between Sande Plywood and Other Types of Plywood?

Sande plywood is different from other types of plywood because it is made from tropical hardwoods. It is also a type of marine plywood, which means that it is designed to resist water damage.

Sande plywood is available in a range of thicknesses and grades. Not only is it available in various thicknesses and grades but also, it is more expensive than other types of plywood.

Lastly, Sande plywood is classified as hardwood plywood, which makes it more durable than softwood plywood.

Uses of Sande Plywood

There are many uses for this plywood, but the most common one is in construction. However, it can also be used to create boxes or other wood products too.


Construction Projects

The durability of this type of plywood makes it perfect for constructing buildings and homes as well as decks & fences! It’s great for exterior use because even when it’s exposed to the elements, it won’t degrade very quickly.

Furniture Projects

You can use this plywood when constructing furniture items as well! A popular example is creating kitchen cabinets or other cupboards that you would typically find inside a home. However, because the wood has been treated with chemicals and is resistant to moisture, it makes it perfect for outdoor furniture too!

Boxes & Packaging

As well as being used for construction projects, you can also use wood for making boxes and packaging materials. It’s ideal if you need a material that is resistant to moisture or water damage because of its chemical treatment process. This means if you’re sending something which is fragile in the mail, it will remain undamaged.

Other Projects

While it is most commonly used for construction or furniture projects, there are many other uses for this type of wood! You can use it when making things like floorboards because its resistance to wear makes it last longer than some other types of plywood.

How to Cut Sande Plywood

Sande plywood can be cut with a saw. However, you need to use a specifically designed blade for cutting hardwood. This is because the blades on regular saws can become damaged when used on sande plywood.

It’s also a good idea to wear gloves when cutting sande plywood, as the chemicals in the wood can cause irritation.

Sande vs. Birch Plywood

Birch plywood is another form of construction-grade plywood that you can use when building. It’s a popular choice for anyone who needs to create boxes or other items. On the other hand, sande has some distinct advantages over birch! Some differences between the two include:

  • Birch Plywood costs more than Sande Plywood.
  • Sande is more resistant to wear and tear, moisture damage & fire.
  • Birch Plywood has a smoother finish than sande. This means it can be used for making things like furniture or cabinets without needing extra treatment with paint or chemicals beforehand. However, the chemical processes necessary to treat sande before using it in construction projects are much simpler.
  • Sande is more durable when used for exterior purposes because of its chemical treatment, whereas birch plywood will begin to degrade after prolonged exposure to the elements.

RELATED: What is Baltic Birch Plywood?

Costs and Availability

Due to its chemical treatment process, it is a little more expensive than some other types of construction-grade plywood. However, it’s still very affordable and definitely worth the price!

It can be purchased from many different suppliers both locally and online if you need to make bulk orders for large projects or furniture pieces.

Impact Resistance

The outer layers of sande plywood are hardwood, making it more resistant to impact than other types of plywood.


Sande plywood is classified as hardwood plywood, which makes it more durable than softwood plywood. The hardwood outer layers make it more resistant to impact, while the waterproof glue makes it more resistant to water damage.


The weight of sande plywood varies depending on the thickness of the panels. However, it is generally lighter than other types of plywood.

How to Care for Your Sande Plywood

What is Sande Plywood Used For

It needs to be treated with chemicals before it can be used in construction or furniture projects. You should do so on a regular basis – at least once every month, if not more frequently depending on the amount of use your plywood gets.

The process is very simple and involves coating all sides of the wood with a special oil that prevents it from catching fire. This is great for anyone who wants to use sande plywood in construction projects. However, the treatment makes it unsuitable if you want to create furniture items with a smooth finish instead of something rougher.

Is Sande Plywood Paintable?

Yes, sande plywood is paintable. However, you need to make sure that you use a primer beforehand. This is because the chemicals in the wood can react with certain types of paint and cause it to chip or flake off.

A primer will create a barrier between the paint and the wood, preventing this from happening. It’s also a good idea to sand the plywood before painting it, as this will create a smoother surface for the paint to adhere to.

Is Sande Plywood Waterproof?

Yes, sande plywood is waterproof. This is because it’s treated with chemicals that make it resistant to moisture damage. However, you should still take care to protect it from excessive exposure to water.

You can do this by sealing the edges of the plywood with a waterproof sealant. This will prevent water from seeping in and damaging the wood.

Is Sande Plywood Good For Cabinets?

Yes, sande plywood is a good choice for cabinets. It’s durable and moisture-resistant, so it will withstand the wear and tear of everyday use. Plus, it’s easy to paint or stain, so you can customize the look of your cabinets to match your home’s décor.

Method of Preparation For Sande Plywood In Different Projects

As mentioned earlier, sande plywood needs to be treated with chemicals before it can be used in construction projects. The process is simple and only takes a few minutes.

First, you need to sand the plywood to create a smooth surface. Then, you need to apply a primer to the wood. Once the primer has dried, you can paint or stain the plywood to your desired color.

Finally, you need to apply a waterproof sealant to the edges of the plywood. This will prevent water from seeping in and damaging the wood.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your sande plywood will be ready to use in any construction project.

Benefits of Sande Plywood

Sande plywood is a great choice for construction projects or furniture items that will be exposed to the elements. Benefits Include:

  • It is more durable than birch plywood and can be used for exterior purposes.
  • The chemical treatment process makes it resistant to fire, impact, and water damage.
  • It is paintable and easy to customize to match your home’s décor.
  • It is lighter than other types of plywood, making it easy to transport and work with.
  • It is very affordable and widely available from many different suppliers.

If you’re looking for sturdy, durable, and weather-resistant plywood, sande plywood is a great option. It’s also easy to customize with paint or stain, so you can create the perfect look for your construction project or piece of furniture.


To conclude, this is a great type of wood to use for making things like construction or furniture projects. It offers many advantages over other types of plywood which you can find in the market today! If you’re looking for something that’s more durable and will last longer than birch plywood or other types, then this is the material for you.

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Luan plywood is a type of construction-grade plywood that is often used in the making of cabinets, doors, and other furniture. It is made from thin sheets of wood veneer that are glued together with an adhesive. Luan plywood is different from other types of plywood because it has a rougher surface