How To Remove Vinyl Sheet Flooring —A Step-by-Step Guide

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Vinyl sheet flooring is a popular choice for many homeowners due to its affordability, durability and versatility. But over time, you may need to remove it due to wear and tear, water damage, health concerns, or simply wanting to update your flooring style. Removing vinyl sheet flooring can be a big job, but with the right tools, techniques, and a bit of patience, you can get it done in no time. In this post, we share the steps on how to remove sheet vinyl flooring.

When removing vinyl sheet flooring, you’ll need a pry bar. Start by prying off the edges of your vinyl sheet flooring until they pop off. Then carefully remove the vinyl sheet flooring one at a time without causing damage to the subfloor underneath the old floor.

What Is Vinyl Sheet Flooring?

Vinyl sheet flooring is a type of flooring made from vinyl material, which is durable and water-resistant. It comes in large sheets and is installed in one piece, making it a great option for large areas. Vinyl sheet flooring is available in many different colors, patterns and textures, making it easy to match with any interior design style.

Reasons Removing Your Vinyl Sheet Flooring

Updating to a new flooring style

Updating your flooring is a great way to refresh your home’s interior. If you’re tired of your current vinyl sheet flooring and want to switch to a new style, you’ll need to remove it first.

Water damage

Water damage is one of the most common reasons for removing vinyl sheet flooring. If your flooring has been damaged by water, it can start to warp, buckle or even mold. If this is the case, it’s best to remove the vinyl sheet flooring and install new flooring in its place.

Wear and tear

Over time, your vinyl sheet flooring can become worn and damaged, making it look unsightly. If your flooring has reached this stage, it may be time to remove it and start fresh with a new flooring option.

Improper installation

If your vinyl sheet flooring was not installed correctly, it can start to come apart or peel away from the subfloor. If this is the case, you’ll need to remove it and start fresh with a new flooring installation.

Health concerns

Vinyl sheet flooring can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can be harmful to your health. If you have health concerns about your vinyl sheet flooring, it may be time to remove it and switch to a more environmentally-friendly flooring option.

Home renovation or remodel

If you’re renovating your home or remodeling a room, removing your vinyl sheet flooring is often the first step. This will allow you to start fresh with a new flooring option that matches your new design style.

Resale preparation

If you’re selling your home, removing your old vinyl sheet flooring can help to increase its value and make it more appealing to potential buyers.

Wanting to install a new type of flooring

If you’re simply looking to switch to a new type of flooring, removing your vinyl sheet flooring is the first step. This will allow you to install a new flooring option that matches your style and needs.

RELATED: How To Remove Vinyl Flooring Glue From Plywood

How To Remove Vinyl Sheet Flooring In Easy Steps

Tools Needed

Triton - 6 Pack - 25 ft Tape Measures - Easy to Read Fractions to 1/8th inch - Magnetic Claw Tip - Thumb and Quick Lock - Autowind - Belt Clip
Triton - 6 Pack - 25 ft Tape Measures - Easy to Read Fractions to 1/8th inch - Magnetic Claw Tip - Thumb and Quick Lock - Autowind - Belt Clip
Triton - 6 Pack - 25 ft Tape Measures - Easy to Read Fractions to 1/8th inch - Magnetic Claw Tip - Thumb and Quick Lock - Autowind - Belt Clip
Triton - 6 Pack - 25 ft Tape Measures - Easy to Read Fractions to 1/8th inch - Magnetic Claw Tip - Thumb and Quick Lock - Autowind - Belt Clip
  • Utility knife
  • Scraper or pry bar
  • Pliers
  • Rubber gloves
  • Eye protection
  • Dust mask
  • Measuring tape
  • Flooring adhesive remover (if necessary)
  • Clean rags or towels
  • New flooring material (if desired)


Before starting the removal process, you need to prepare the room and gather all the necessary tools. This will make the process smoother and prevent any damage to the floor or to yourself. Here are the steps you need to take to prepare the room:

  • Remove all furniture, appliances, and fixtures from the room. This will give you enough space to work and prevent any damage to your belongings.
  • Clean the floor thoroughly. This will remove any dirt, debris, or residue that may get in the way or cause damage to the flooring during removal.
  • Protect the surrounding areas with masking tape or painter’s tape. This will prevent any scuffs, scratches, or dents on the baseboards, door frames, or other surrounding areas.

Removing Trim and Baseboards.

Once the room is clear, the next step is to remove any trim or baseboards that are in place around the perimeter of the room. Use a pry bar or scraper to gently lift the trim away from the wall, being careful not to damage the wall itself. You can use pliers to remove any nails or screws that are in the way.

Loosening the Adhesive.

Once the trim and baseboards are removed, you’ll need to start loosening the adhesive that is holding the vinyl sheet flooring in place. You can use a utility knife to score the surface of the flooring, making it easier to pry up. You can also use a flooring adhesive remover if needed. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use and application.

Removing the Vinyl Sheet Flooring.

With the adhesive loosened, it’s time to start removing the vinyl sheet flooring itself. Use a scraper or pry bar to gently lift the flooring, working in small sections. Be sure to work slowly and carefully to avoid damaging the subfloor beneath the vinyl. If the vinyl is resistant, you may need to use a heat gun to soften the adhesive and make it easier to remove.

Cleaning Up.

After the vinyl sheet flooring has been removed, you’ll need to clean up the area. Use a clean rag or towel to wipe down the subfloor to remove any remaining adhesive residue. You may also need to use a flooring adhesive remover to remove any stubborn residue.

Installing New Flooring (Optional).

If desired, you can install new flooring material over the subfloor after cleaning it up. This could be a new vinyl sheet flooring, carpet, tile, or hardwood. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and to allow enough time for the new flooring to acclimate to the room before installing it.

Finishing Up.

Finally, reattach the trim and baseboards that you removed earlier and place your furniture back in the room.


After removing the vinyl sheet flooring, you need to dispose of it properly. Here’s how to do it:

  • Roll up the flooring. Roll up the removed flooring and secure it with tape.
  • Remove any debris. Clean up any debris or adhesive residue left behind and put it in a trash bag.
  • Take it to a recycling center. Most vinyl sheet flooring can be recycled, so take it to a local recycling center to dispose of it properly.

Alternative Methods for Removing Vinyl Sheet Flooring

How To Remove Glued Down Sheet Vinyl Flooring

If you don’t feel comfortable removing vinyl sheet flooring on your own, there are alternative methods you can consider. Here are a few options:

Hiring a professional. If you don’t have the time or experience to remove the flooring yourself, consider hiring a professional. They have the tools and expertise to remove the flooring quickly and efficiently.

Renting a floor scraper. If you don’t want to purchase all the tools required to remove the flooring, consider renting a floor scraper. This machine is specifically designed to remove vinyl sheet flooring and will make the process faster and easier.

RELATED: How to Remove Vinyl Flooring From Concrete: Surefire Tips

Benefits of Removing Vinyl Sheet Flooring

Improved appearance: Removing old and worn out vinyl sheet flooring can instantly improve the appearance of your space. You can choose from a variety of new flooring options that match your taste and style.

Increased home value: Upgrading your flooring can also increase the value of your home. A fresh and updated flooring can make your home more appealing to potential buyers.

Better indoor air quality: Vinyl sheet flooring can trap dust, dirt, and chemicals. Removing it can help improve the indoor air quality of your home, making it a healthier place to live.

Enhanced durability: New flooring options are often more durable and long-lasting than older flooring materials, such as vinyl sheet flooring.

Easy maintenance: New flooring options are often easier to clean and maintain, reducing the amount of time and effort you need to spend on upkeep.

Customization: Removing vinyl sheet flooring opens up a world of possibilities for customization. You can choose from a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures to create a look that’s truly unique.

Common Challenges When Removing Vinyl Sheet Flooring

Adhesive residue: The adhesive used to attach vinyl sheet flooring can be difficult to remove, leaving behind a sticky residue.

Damaged subfloor: The process of removing vinyl sheet flooring can sometimes cause damage to the subfloor, requiring additional repairs.

Difficult access: If the vinyl sheet flooring is in a hard-to-reach area, removing it can be a challenge.

Health concerns: The dust and chemicals released during the removal process can be harmful to your health.

Cost: Removing vinyl sheet flooring can be a costly process, especially if you hire a professional.

Time-consuming: Removing vinyl sheet flooring can take several hours, or even days, depending on the size of your space.

Maintenance Tips for New Flooring After Removing Vinyl Sheet Flooring

Regular cleaning: Keep your new flooring clean by sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming regularly.

Avoid moisture: Prevent water damage by avoiding standing water and mopping up spills promptly.

Use furniture protectors: Place furniture protectors under heavy furniture to prevent scratches and dents.

Avoid harsh chemicals: Avoid using harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners that can damage your new flooring.

Protect from direct sunlight: Keep your flooring protected from direct sunlight, which can fade or discolor it over time.

Seek professional cleaning: Hire a professional to clean your flooring periodically to keep it looking its best.

Cost Comparison Between Removing Vinyl Sheet Flooring and Installing New Flooring

The cost of removing vinyl sheet flooring and installing new flooring varies depending on the size of your space and the type of flooring you choose. In general, removing vinyl sheet flooring is a more affordable option, as it only involves removing the old flooring and preparing the subfloor for new flooring. Installing new flooring, on the other hand, can be more expensive, as it involves purchasing the new flooring material, hiring a professional to install it, and potentially making any necessary repairs to the subfloor. When making your decision, it’s important to consider both the cost and the benefits of each option, such as improved appearance and increased home value.

Helpful Tips on How to Remove a Vinyl Flooring

Removing vinyl sheet flooring is not as hard as it seems. But there are some ways to make your job go faster and smoother.

Take Safety Precautions

Removing vinyl sheet flooring can be messy and hazardous, so it is important to take necessary safety precautions to ensure the process goes smoothly. Before starting, make sure you have all the necessary protective gear such as gloves, safety goggles, a dust mask, and protective clothing. This will prevent cuts, scrapes, and inhaling of harmful dust and chemicals. It’s also important to have a fire extinguisher on hand and keep the work area well-lit to avoid any accidents.

Work Slowly and Methodically

Removing vinyl sheet flooring can be a time-consuming process, so it’s important to work slowly and methodically. Take your time, and work in small sections to make sure you remove the flooring and adhesive evenly. This will make it easier to remove the adhesive residue and prevent damage to the subfloor.

Label and Keep Track of the Pieces You Remove

It may seem like a small detail, but labeling and keeping track of the pieces you remove is crucial. This will help you put the pieces back in the correct order if necessary and ensure that your new flooring is installed properly.

Use a Utility Knife or Carpet Cutter to Cut the Vinyl into Sections

Using a utility knife or carpet cutter to cut the vinyl into sections can make the process much easier. This allows you to work on smaller sections, making it easier to remove the adhesive and avoid damaging the subfloor.

Remove the Adhesive in Small Sections

Removing the adhesive can be the most time-consuming and difficult part of the process. It’s important to work in small sections, removing the adhesive in small pieces to avoid damaging the subfloor.

Wear Protective Clothing and Gloves

Wearing protective clothing and gloves is important to avoid cuts, scrapes, and exposure to harmful chemicals. Make sure to wear gloves to avoid any cuts and scrapes, and wear protective clothing to avoid getting dirty.

Clean up Any Adhesive Residue Promptly

Once the adhesive is removed, it’s important to clean up any residue promptly. This will make it easier to install new flooring and prevent damage to the subfloor. Use a damp cloth or sponge to clean up any residue, and be sure to dispose of the old flooring properly.

Dispose of the Old Flooring Properly

Disposing of the old flooring properly is important for both environmental and health reasons. Check with your local waste management facility for the proper way to dispose of vinyl flooring.

Safety Precautions

Wear Protective Clothing

Wearing protective clothing is crucial to ensure your safety during the removal process. Make sure to wear clothes that cover your arms and legs, and consider wearing a hat to protect your hair.

Use Gloves to Avoid Cuts and Scrapes

Using gloves is important to avoid cuts and scrapes during the removal process. Make sure to choose gloves that provide good grip and protection.

Wear Safety Goggles to Protect Your Eyes

Wearing safety goggles is important to protect your eyes from any dust or debris during the removal process. Make sure to choose goggles that fit securely and provide good coverage.

Wear a Dust Mask to Avoid Inhaling Dust and Chemicals

Wearing a dust mask is important to avoid inhaling dust and chemicals during the removal process. Make sure to choose a mask that fits securely and provides good coverage.

Use a Floor Protector to Avoid Damaging the Subfloor

Using a floor protector is important to avoid damaging the subfloor during the removal process. Make sure to choose a floor protector that is large enough to cover the area where you will be working and sturdy enough to hold the weight of your tools.

Keep the Work Area Well-Lit

Having a well-lit work area is crucial to ensure that you can see what you’re doing and avoid any potential hazards. Make sure to use bright lights or lamps to light up the area where you will be working.

Keep a Fire Extinguisher on Hand

Keeping a fire extinguisher on hand is important in case of any accidents during the removal process. Make sure to choose a fire extinguisher that is suitable for your work area and keep it within reach at all times.

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Is it easy to remove vinyl sheet flooring?

The process of removing vinyl sheet flooring can be time-consuming, but it is not difficult. With the right tools and techniques, anyone can remove their vinyl sheet flooring easily and efficiently.

How do I remove adhesive residue from my subfloor?

To remove adhesive residue from your subfloor, you can use a combination of solvents such as mineral spirits, hot water, or vinegar. You can also use a scraper or a putty knife to scrape away the adhesive residue. Be sure to follow all manufacturer instructions and safety precautions when using solvents.

How do I prepare my subfloor for new flooring?

To prepare your subfloor for new flooring, you should first clean the surface thoroughly and remove any adhesive residue. Next, you should repair any damages to the subfloor and level the surface if necessary. Once the subfloor is ready, you can install your new flooring material.

Can I install new flooring over my old vinyl flooring?

While it is possible to install new flooring over old vinyl flooring, it is not recommended. Installing new flooring over old vinyl flooring can cause problems such as mold growth, or can make it difficult to remove the old flooring in the future.

How do I dispose of my old vinyl flooring?

To dispose of old vinyl flooring, you should first check with your local waste management facility to see what their disposal guidelines are. In most cases, old vinyl flooring can be disposed of as regular construction waste. However, some areas may require special handling, such as recycling the material.

How much will it cost to remove vinyl sheet flooring?

The cost to remove vinyl sheet flooring can vary depending on several factors such as the size of the room, the complexity of the job, and the cost of any necessary tools or materials. On average, you can expect to pay between $100 and $500 for a vinyl sheet flooring removal project.


Removing vinyl sheet flooring can be a bit of a challenge, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be done easily and efficiently. It is important to take safety precautions when removing vinyl sheet flooring and to properly dispose of the old material. If you are unsure about the process or feel that the job is beyond your capabilities, it is always best to hire a professional to do the job for you.

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