How To Fix A Sagging Mattress with Plywood

At the end of a long day, it’s nice to have a comfortable mattress to sleep on. But when your mattress starts sagging in certain places, you might not be so happy with it anymore. This is usually because the springs underneath are starting to wear out and lose their elasticity. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to fix this problem: plywood. In this article, we’ll guide you through How To Fix A Sagging Mattress with Plywood and restore it back into shape without having to buy a new one or spend money on expensive repair work.

In case you have a sagging mattress, plywood is an effective and easy way to fix it. You’ll need to make sure the plywood is the right size; it should be about an inch and a half smaller than your mattress all around. Once you have the plywood cut out, simply put it in place and secure it with screws or nails if desired. This will provide the support that your spring unit needs and help extend the life of your mattress.

What is Plywood?

Plywood is a type of wood that has been processed by pressing thin layers together to create sheets with an even thickness, giving it great structural support when used properly in building or fixing things. When you need to fix sagging mattresses, this is the material for you.

Why Use Plywood to Fix a Sagging Mattress?

While you could use the same materials as plywood to fix a sagging mattress, it’s not recommended. Plywood is made of several layers that create one solid piece of wood which makes for optimal support and strength in comparison to other types of material. Using boards or sheets with cracks can lead to further problems down the road, especially if you’re trying to fix the problem yourself.

Plywood is easy to find at most hardware stores and can be cut into whatever shape or size that might fit your sagging mattress perfectly.

What Causes Mattresses to Sag?

Mattresses can sag for several reasons. Here are some of the most common:

1. Old box springs

Box springs are meant to provide a sturdy foundation for your mattress. If you have an old box spring, it’s likely starting to show signs of wear and might be causing the sagging in your mattress.

2. Incorrect foundation

If you’re using the right mattress, but it’s on an inadequate or incorrect type of bed frame or box spring, this can cause sagging. So if your mattress is too soft for your platform bed and isn’t supported enough by just a slatted base, that might be what’s causing the problem.

3. Inadequate bed frame.

Your bed frame may not have been designed with strength or durability in mind if there is sagging present on your mattress. This can also be due to a cheap metal frame that’s bent out of shape, which happens over time as you sleep and move around in your bed throughout the night.

4. Heavy or overweight person

If you’re a heavy or hefty individual, your mattress might start sagging as a result of the weight. Therefore, you may need a firm mattress that’s designed to support more weight than the average mattress.

5. Incorrect mattress size

Similarly, if your mattress is too small for the bed frame or platform it’s on, you can also get sagging. This happens when there isn’t enough space between the edge of the mattress and where the slats in a wooden bed frame are located. Your body weight will cause some parts to sag more than others.

6. Sleeping on the same side of the bed every night

Sleeping only on one side of the bed over an extended period of time can cause sagging to occur in that area. Since the same parts of your mattress will get more wear and tear. This is one reason people may notice that their hips or shoulders start to ache when sleeping on a bed with sagging spots.

7. Mattress Quality Is Poor

If you bought a cheap mattress, it’s likely to wear out quickly. This is due to the fact that these mattresses are made of low-quality materials and lack good support.

8. Old Mattress

If you’ve owned your mattress for many years, it’s likely that the materials inside of the mattress have started to break down and lose their support. As a result, you’ll notice sagging and the mattress will not be as comfortable to sleep on.

9. Poor Maintenance of the Mattress

If you don’t take proper care of your mattress, this can cause it to sag over time. If you never turn or rotate the mattress and sleep on one side constantly, it will likely lose its shape and support faster than a mattress that’s flipped regularly.

How Do I Know If My Mattress Needs Plywood?

How To Fix A Sagging Mattress with Plywood

There are several signs your sagging mattress may need plywood installed underneath. These include:

  • You can feel the sagging when you lay down
  • Your mattress is thin and firm in certain spots
  • Your mattress is too soft in certain spots

What Tools Are Required To Repair a Sagging Mattress Made of plywood?

The only tool you’ll need for this project is a drill with an attached screwdriver bit so that you can insert and remove screws as needed.

How Do You Fix Sagging Mattress With Plywood?

Here’s how you can fix a sagging mattress with plywood in just four steps.

Step 1- Purchase Plywood

The best type of plywood to use is medium-density fiberboard, which will be able to provide the support that your spring unit needs, while also being durable enough not to wear out quickly. You’ll need to make sure your plywood is the correct size; you’ll want it to be about an inch and a half smaller than your mattress all around.

If you purchase something that’s too big, it won’t fit underneath the bed frame properly and might even cause other problems like squeaking or sticking out from under the side of your mattress.

Step 2- Place the Plywood Underneath Your Mattress

Once you’ve got your plywood, it’s time to lay it underneath your mattress. Make sure the plywood is placed over any sagging areas so they can be fixed properly. Then fold back your sheets and use a marker or pencil to outline where the wood should go under your mattress.

Step 3- Cut the Plywood

Once you’ve got your plywood outlined, it’s time to cut it out with a jigsaw. If you don’t know how or are afraid of cutting the wrong shape, try taping off part of what you want to keep before making any cuts.

Step 4- Reassemble Your Bed Frame

Once everything is cut out, you can replace the plywood underneath your mattress. Then it’s time to put all of the screws back into place on your bed frame, followed by putting everything else together in the reverse order that you took apart when assembling or disassembling it.

Is It Possible To Use Plywood On Bed Slats?

Yes, you can, Simply place the plywood in between each of your existing wooden slats, then screw them together with wood screws. The firmer support provided by this method will help prevent any wear and tear from occurring so that you won’t have to do it all over again anytime soon.

What Are Some Benefits of Using Plywood To Fix Sagging Mattress?

There are many reasons why you might want to use plywood to fix a sagging mattress. These include:

  • It’s simple and easy for anyone to do with minimal tools.
  • It is durable enough that it won’t wear out quickly, even when used frequently by multiple people or in different types of weather conditions
  • Using plywood prevents your frame from causing additional damage because the weight is distributed evenly.
  • It is a great way to extend the life of your mattress without having to buy a new one, which saves you money in the long run.
  • This will prevent it from getting worse as time goes on and also help save some extra cash along the way.


How Do I Prevent My Mattress From Sagging In The Future?

There are a few things you can do to help prevent your mattress from sagging in the future. These include:

  • Investing in a mattress protector or pad to help distribute weight evenly and protect the surface of your mattress
  • Regularly flip and rotate your mattress so that all sides and areas get an equal amount of use
  • Avoiding sitting or standing on the edge of your mattress so that only the center is taking all of the weight
  • Not letting anyone jump on the bed, as this can cause damage to springs or other parts of the mattress

What Is The Best Way To Fix A Sagging Mattress?

The best way to fix a sagging mattress is to use plywood. This will provide the support that your spring unit needs, while also being durable enough not to wear out quickly. You’ll need to make sure your plywood is the correct size; you’ll want it to be about an inch and a half smaller than your mattress all around. If you purchase something too big, it won’t fit underneath the bed frame properly and might even cause other problems like squeaking or sticking out from under the side of your mattress.

Can I Use A Board Instead Of Plywood?

Yes, you can use a board instead of plywood, but it might not be as effective. A board won’t provide the same level of support as plywood because it’s not as thick. It also might not be as durable, meaning you’ll have to replace it more often. If you do decide to use a board, make sure it’s at least an inch and a half thick so that it can provide adequate support. Anything thinner than that might not make much of a difference.

Do I Need To Use Anything Else With The Plywood?

No, you don’t need to use anything else with the plywood. Just make sure it’s the right size, cut it out, and put it in place. You might want to use something like screws or nails to keep it in place, but that’s up to you. Once it’s in place, you shouldn’t have any problems with it moving around or slipping out of place.

How To Fix A Sagging Mattress with Plywood: Conclusion

There are many reasons why you may need to use plywood underneath your mattress, whether it’s due to sagging or poor support. This article has discussed how to fix a sagging mattress with plywood as well as some benefits of doing so. Thank you for reading.

Related: How to Keep Plywood From Warping: 5 Key Steps

# How To Fix A Sagging Mattress with Plywood